Portion “Out Of” Control… Smart Tips For Your Health

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There was a recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine that looked at cookbook recipes published over the past few decades and found that calorie counts per serving have gone up dramatically since the authors of the cookbooks had to adjust to our “American Super Size” way of eating, in other words, portion control.

In 1936, the average calories per serving was 268 calories per serving compared to 2006 when they averaged 384 calories. The study theorized that the lower cost of food and larger plate sizescombined with people becoming accustomed to eating more overall caused the portions to increase. To keep from over-eating and to help you maintain a healthy weight, here are some ideas to help you monitor how much you eat.

  • Downsize your plate and fork size- The average plate size has grown over the years, and the amount of food served on those plates has also increased. Instead of using a big dinner plate, eat your dinner off a salad or dessert plate. The smaller plate will make the amount of food look larger and that will trick your brain into thinking you’re eating more. Plus you can trade in your big dinner fork for a more petite salad fork, which will also help to slow down your eating.
  • When you cook more than one serving of something, put the leftovers in a single-serving container & store it for another meal.
  • After eating, wait 20 minutes and drink water before helping yourself to seconds.
  • When on the road or at a restaurant, consider the kids menu, as the adult menu has been supersized to gluttonous proportions.
  • Familiarize yourself with what an ounce, gram, & tablespoon look like so you know what you are eating without pulling the scale out every time.
  • When you dine out with others, strategize on ordering a variety of things so you can share. This way you don’t order too much food for yourself. Restaurants can always provide you with extra smaller plates so that when the food comes out you can easily taste a little bit of everything.
  • Use your hands to help you understand how much you should be eating. Make protein portions the size of your palm. Fats the size of your thumb. Fruits & grains the size of your fist and veggies the size of your whole hand.

Does this seem a bit overwhelming? If it does, consider simplifying your life and check out the 21 Day Fix ...my favorite all-in-one nutrition, fitness, portion control program

Learn how to plan healthy meals

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