Turkey burgers that ROCK!

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I am of the opinion that Sriracha, Worcestershire, and balsamic vinegar make any food taste better...so having all of these together in one recipe means these are likely to be AMAZING!!

I can't wait to try this recipe out...I'll be leaving out the egg whites (eggs and my digestive system don't get along so well) so mine may not stay together as well, but I'm sure they will still be as delicious.

Eggs are one of the top 8 allergens, so even though eggs that come from chickens that have been pasture-raised, are hormone free, antibiotic free, and fed non-GMO supplemental food (basically happy chickens that live a normal “chicken-like” life) are really healthy and one of the worlds super foods, I don’t digest them well and they cause me a lot of gas and inflammation, so I avoid them. But if you can eat eggs, then find a local farmer (or get some chickens for yourself), and feel free to add them to this amazing recipe to help keep your burgers together better on the grill.

(p.s. if you think you may have digestive problems get in touch with me, I can help)


Many people are used to DRY pre-made Turkey burgers that have no flavor and are nothing to write home about! Well this recipe will make you revisit (and re-think) picking up a frozen bag of burgers again! By making your own homemade Turkey burgers, you will get more protein, more flavor and a great juicy turkey burger in less time than it takes to thaw those frozen patties out. Plus, no preservatives, processed grains and fillers! We left out the breadcrumbs and substituted egg whites to bind the burgers together.
In this version, I serve it on a sandwich thin but my favorite way is to eat it as a lettuce wrap. Pile leaves of bibb or butter lettuce together to make a top and bottom “bun” and you will get additional veggies and extra crunch too!
I like to make extras and freeze the burgers after I cook them. They are easy to thaw and take for lunch or dinners in a pinch!

Turkey Burgers     (Serves 4)

  • 20oz Package lean ground turkey (preferably organic, free range, and antibiotic and hormone free)
  • 2 Cloves garlic – finely minced
  • ½ of a small yellow onion (finely diced)
  • 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • ½ Tbsp Sriraccha (these will not be hot)
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • 2 egg whites
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Take a small amount of mixture out and fry on griddle to make sure it is seasoned to your liking… taste. (I always do this before making the whole batch).
**Adjust seasoning if necessary. Divide mixture in 4 to make (4) 5oz patties. Fry on griddle until cooked through (approximately 6-7 minutes per side).
Burger toppings:
  • 4 Oroweat Sandwich Thins (or) bibb/butter lettuce wraps
Bibb lettuce, tomato, onion slices, pickles and favorite condiments. (Be careful to limit your condiments to a few teaspoons, as they can add significant calories to your meal quickly).

Do you make turkey burgers?
I'd love to know what you put in yours to make them tasty! Leave me your recipes in the comments below!

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Non-scale Victories

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How to stay motivated when the scale is bringing you down.

I've heard it a lot as a health, fitness, and nutrition coach. 

"I'm eating perfectly, I'm exercising, why hasn’t the scale moved."

I understand that not seeing the scale go down when you are working hard can be frustrating, however there are a lot of reasons the scale might not be moving. If you just started eating better and exercising you need to give it more than a few days. 

People are to quick to jump on the scale every morning to see if the number has changed, but don't do it. Not only does the number on the scale fluctuate as much 5 pounds throughout the day, if you’re a female and its close to that time of month, it can make the number go up as a lot of women retain extra water right before they start their cycle. 

On the flip side of this, are you being honest with yourself, are you really what you think you're eating? Are you pushing as hard as you can in your workout? Did you have a little slip up that you are “not counting?" 

Even nutritionists have poor 24 hour recall of what they ate, and people are far more likely to lie to themselves about what the ate or how much exercise they've done than they are to someone else. 
So if you are someone who may have a history of not being honest with themselves, it may be time to get an accountability partner or a coach to keep you accountable.

Many things beyond these can affect the scale but that's actually not the point of this post at all. The point of this post is that the scale is not the end all be all. Get off that damn thing! There are a lot of other things you can look at to asses your progress when it comes to eating healthy and exercising. Here are my top ten NON -SCALE victories that I encourage clients to look at when the number on the scale is bringing them down.

1. How do your clothes fit?

This is a big one. Sometimes we lose weight (i.e. the number on the scale goes down) and sometimes we lose inches. If you ask me, I want to see my inches go down. So pay attention to how things fit. If jeans that used to barely zip or button are going on without a problem, you are doing something right. If a shirt that used to hug you a little to tight is now a little lose, you are doing something right. If you need to tighten your belt an extra notch give yourself a pat on the back, you are making progress.

2. Are you stronger?

How you are doing in your workouts? Is the workout that used to kick your butt getting easier? Are you using heavier weights? Are you going longer, harder? These are all signs that you are getting stronger. This is a NON-SCALE VICTORY!!! Be proud

3. Do you have more energy?

Believe it or not eating bad food sort of sucks the life out of you. When you fuel your body with healthy food you will have more energy. It will no longer be a short burst of energy that you get from a cup of coffee or sugar, it will be all day long all day strong energy. Exercising gives you more energy as well. Maybe not in the moment when your getting your butt kicked, but in the long run it does. One because you release endorphins which make you feel good, and two because a body in motion stays in motion. The more you move the more you will want to move.

4. Are your cravings gone?

This is huge when it comes to eating healthy. Cravings are the worst, fighting one is an epic battle. Here's the good news, when you start eating healthy food and rid your body of all the excess sugar and crap, it will slowly stop craving it. It takes 21 days to break a habit, so after a few weeks the craving for crap should be gone. That is a huge victory in my book. It takes a lot of mental energy to fight off a craving, that energy is better spent elsewhere, like on prepping your healthy meals for the week.

5. Are you sleeping better?

Another one that is important. Sleep is where all the magic happens, thats when your body repairs itself, rejuvenates, and gets ready for all that life will throw at it again tomorrow. If you have trouble sleeping you know how hard it can be to get throughout a day. If you're tired, crabby, and craving sugar it's because your body is looking for an energy source. It is a vicious cycle. Once you start moving your body a little, exercising, fueling it with some healthy food, watch what happens, those restless nights will turn into sweet dreams. You will wake up ready to take on the day.

6. How does your skin look?

I know this wouldn’t be the first thing you think of paying attention to when it comes to working out and eating better, but its an important one. When you workout you sweat, the sweat is releasing toxins from your body. Toxins that dull your skin and make it break out. When you eat healthy you are giving your body vital minerals and nutrients that help with cell repair, sun damage, aging, all things that affect your skin. Are bodies are over 60% water, when you hydrate properly it shows in your skin. This is a HUGE NON-SCALE victory. We all want to look younger.

7. Has your mind set changed?

Are you happier, do you feel more confident in yourself? Are you proud of yourself for getting in your workout, for sticking to your healthy eating plan? Having a positive attitude about life and about your body shows in everything you do.

8. Can you see definition in your muscles?

Sometimes you don’t have a lot of weight to lose, YOU might think you do, but in reality you just need to tone up a little. So how do those shoulders look, what about your biceps, are your legs thinning out, is there definition peaking through in those abs? All things to pay attention to instead of the scale.

9. Have your relationships improved?

When we don’t feel good about ourself we tend to become more introverted. We stop going out as much because we don’t want to be seen in public, we don’t like the way we look in clothes. Maybe you have become less intimate with your partner because you don’t think they like the way you look. 

Pay attention to this stuff, has it changed now that you are exercising at eating right? Are you having more fun, enjoying life more? Happy to be around friends and loved ones? This is a huge victory and this has nothing to do with a number on a scale.

10. Are you able to come off of medications that you needed to be on because of a poor diet or lack of exercise?

I think this might be the biggest NON-SCALE victory. A poor diet and lack of exercise leads us to have to take a lot of medications. Things for high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, acid reflux, and many other things. Check with your doctor and see if your medication can be reduced or stopped all together after being on a healthy eating plan and exercise program. This just might be the biggest reward there is. How good will it feel to not have to take those medications, to be in control of your health, to save the money you would have spent on medication and put it toward something you want?

The scale is just one tool, one tiny bit of information to help asses where you are in your fitness journey. It is NOT the end all be all. It does not determine if you are working hard and doing something good for yourself. Yes, its fun to see the number on the scale go down but you can’t let it discouraged you from continuing on your healthy journey just because it doesnt move as fast as you want it to.
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11 Tips to Boost your Self-image

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Did you have a nickname growing up? Often nick-names that are associated with body parts (such as Chicken Legs)  make people feel less-than-special, and often end up giving a person a complex about the particular body part that can stick with someone for years. But hopefully, as people get older, they can come to realize how unimportant a nickname is, and they can come to realize that you cannot validate yourself on what others say about you.
I can tell you that most people, even the models you see on billboards, have struggled with their body image.
We tend to be our harshest critics. We compare ourselves against the bodies of others and judge ourselves for not measuring up to our ideals. In doing so, we can do a number on our self-confidence. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be healthier or desiring to achieve a certain look, but don’t beat yourself up on your journey there.

It’s time we start loving ourselves, and our bodies more. 

Here are 11 tips to help you do just that.

1. Make a List of Positive Things
Write down at least 10 things you like about your body and who you are. This could include your eyes, the silver streak in your hair, your strong calves, your kindness, or your sense of humor. Then take a picture of the list with your phone and save it so you every time you’re feeling not so hot, you can take a look at it.
2. Focus on Improvement
When it comes to your body, focusing on what you think is a problem area is just going to make you feel worse. Once you’ve acknowledged what you want to work on, focus on ways to improve and what you’ve accomplished so far.
3. Get Rid of the Negative Nancys…
When you start to feel better about yourself, some people around you might not be comfortable with your new attitude (or look) and they could start to get a little…mean. If these people are meaningful to you, then you may need to evaluate the relationship with them and decide if they are important enough to you to try and work with them to get the to be supportive. It's not always easy to make changes, and even harder when people seem to change the way they act towards you as you make positive changes, so be aware of what's going on and make sure you can talk to them about it.
4. …And Find People Who Motivate You
There are so many people out there who are inspirational. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, Beachbody.com, whereever! Feed off their positivity and let them motivate you. You probably even have some positive people in your life, get out there and spend more time with them! 
5. Move
If you’re finding yourself heading towards an emotional ditch, get moving. Stat. Go for a walk, Press Play on a Beachbody workout, just move. Doing so will help the endorphins kick in and help your brain get back on the right path.
6. Wear Clothes That Accentuate Your Shape
Wearing baggy clothes can make you look bigger than you are. Instead, dress in ways that flatter your body type using these tips. And, ladies, make sure to get a bra that fits properly. An ill-fitting bra can make even the best outfit look less than stellar.
7. Talk to Yourself
This one might feel a little hokey, but especially if you’ve been engaging in negative self-talk (“My stomach is too big,” “my nose is ugly,” “I don’t like the size of my hands,” etc.) it’s important. The next time you look in the mirror, I want you to say (or at least think) something positive about your body or your features. Can’t think of anything positive? Fake it until you make it. Even though it doesn’t feel genuine, forcing yourself to be positive will get your brain moving in a healthier direction.
8. Pamper Yourself
Do something kind for your body. My go-to is a long, hot bubble bath. But you could enjoy a massage (which after all the working out you’ve been doing is going to feel incredible), relax in a sauna, try a new haircut, or get a manicure (guys – this one isn’t just for the ladies). By taking some time for you, and doing something that makes you feel physically great, it’ll help you’ll feel emotionally great too.
9. Help Others
One way to take the focus and pressure off of you is by helping others. Volunteering or helping a friend in need feels good and helps you connect with others in your community or with those you care about.
10. Smile
Not only does smiling look good on the outside, it actually releases endorphins that make you feel good on the inside.
11. Accept a Compliment
When someone gives you a compliment, receive it graciously. Responding to a compliment with something self-deprecating is not only negative, it also strips the joy away from the person giving it to you. Accept the love you’re getting. You deserve it.
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7 Day Paleo Challenge

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I get a lot of people asking me about Paleo these days.

Lots of people out there swear it's the perfect diet, but being vegan/vegetarian was also supposed to be the perfect diet, and Mediterranean, and ...and ... on and on.

Why are there so many 'diet's out there that are supposed to be the Perfect Diet for everyone on the planet?

Maybe because there are so many different types of people that there will invariable be many different types of diets that work for them.

I have pretty extensive experience with different types of diets, I would be a pretty poor person to take advice from if I hadn't tried out everything that I'm talking about.

I began my own health journey by experimenting with what I ate to find out what would make me feel better, and it ended up with me becoming an herbalist and a nutritionist and devoting my self to helping others find out what makes them feel the most healthy and happy, so you can know that at the end of the day, I've probably done it already and can tell you about my experience with it and talk about whether or not it may be right for you.

Over-all I'm just not a fan of labeling your diet to have it fit into any specific category, mostly because all the 'principles' of that particular diet may not suit you and your needs for food and nutrition.

People are all very individual and so their diets should be too. When it comes right down to it, you can start with any 'diet' that you want to start with, but don't follow it to the point of being extreme, especially if you find it isn't right for you.

Start somewhere, give it a try, and then tweak it until you find what makes you feel the most awesome, then you have your perfect diet.

If you start with being vegan and feel great for a while, but then later start to not feel so great, it's not because you failed, it's because your body isn't getting something it needs and it's letting you know that. So don't beat yourself up about it, just try something else and see how that makes you feel.

You owe it to yourself to try something you've never tried before if it offers you the opportunity to feel your best every single day.

Back to Paleo...

When people ask me about what I eat, I often reply that I'm Paleo-ish. 

I say this because a lot of the foods that I found do and don't work for me fall under the principles of the Paleo diet, but I also eat things that technically aren't Paleo, and there are some foods that are considered The Gold Standard in the Paleo world that I can't touch with a ten-foot pole...so I'm not strict Paleo because it wouldn't make me feel the best I can feel.

See how the individuality things comes in here?

So why do I choose to say Paleo-ish?

The biggest reason is because at this point, I think that Paleo has become more synonymous with the ideas of eating a whole foods, omnivorous diet, free of processed foods with artificial flavorings or additives, and generally just free of crap in general. It also focuses a lot of food quality and variety, which is really important to think about, especially when it comes to consuming animal products.

My goal here is not to convince you to go Paleo, but I do want to convince you to give it a try, for AT LEAST 7 days (21 is better), just to see how you feel.

Then, if you want more advice about the next step to take, get in touch with me, and we can work together to create YOUR Perfect Diet.


The 7 Day Paleo Challenge

I've put together a meal plan with recipes and a shopping list for you to use for the next 7 days. This way, you don't have to think about it, you don't have to have the principles memorized, you can just eat form the meal plan and know that you're going Paleo for a week.

(all links are clickable and will take you to the recipe)

The Shopping List:

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How to eat healthy with your family

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One of the biggest things I hear from my clients with families is

"but how to I get them to eat this way?" 

"My (spouse, kids, grandparents, etc) are picky eaters, they'll never eat these foods."

As someone who does't have kids (yet anyways), I often turn to outside sources for tips and tricks on how to incorporate healthy eating into family life.

This article has some great ideas on how to get started on changing your whole family's way of eating, so if you're struggling take a moment to check it out and get some ideas:

How to eat healthy with your family is something that is on the top of many parents minds.  One of the main obstacles with healthy eating is family objections.   Family members complain about having chicken and push away greens on their plates; after a while it’s tempting to give up on the idea of healthy eating.
It helps to be very “middle of the road” when turning your lifestyle around and expecting your family to join you.  Don’t start having food wars with them; it’s not worth the turmoil and frustration. However there are some things you can do to make them happy while still eating healthy.

*Modify your favorite recipes.  

For instance, use lean ground beef, drain and pat dry or rinse it.  Serve chicken breast for fajita, use less cheese in mixed dishes, and serve raw veggies as a side dish; use your crockpot and bake or broil instead of frying.

*It doesn’t work to prepare a healthy meal for you and a separate meal for your family.  

You will burn out quickly doing that!  Serve a balanced diet and allow each person to choose how much and what they want.  For instance, if the family requests pot roast, pick a leaner cut of meat, and then fix a salad and another green veggie and serve.
Many of them may only have meat and potatoes and you may only have the meat, salad and green veggie, but you all basically eat the same meal.  If they want you to make their favorite enchilada casserole smothered in cheese, modify it and then make yourself a large salad to have on the side while keeping your portion of casserole smaller.

*Sliced veggies and fruit go over better. 

When school activities are bombarding your schedule, it’s OK to bring home a pizza (stay away from the fatty meats or deep dish). Cut up some carrots, slice up an apple and pear or purchase a veggie tray to have along side your pizza. It will help you to keep portions controlled.

*Refuse to be a restaurant!  

Serve the meal, allow kids to eat what they want and how much they want without nagging or criticizing.   Your job as a parent is to serve healthy and regular meals and snacks.   Their job is to choose how much and what they eat.   Forcing kids to eat isn’t worth it.

*Include the family in the meal planning.  

If your family has a say in meal options, they will be more cooperative.  Agree to try a healthy recipe once a week. *Plan ahead – plan the meal that’s the most difficult for YOU to control.  When not with the family, make a point to choose the BEST choice.


Eat smaller portions of fattier foods and large portions of veggies and lean protein and you’ll keep your weight down and make your family happy.
Be patient. Eating healthy is a lifestyle and it takes a while for everyone to adjust. Follow a solid nutrition guide, Beachbody has amazing nutrition plans, and is one that our family follows. If you follow these steps, “How To Eat Health With Your Family” will never be a question again. Play it smart, include your family and you’ll get the results you want.  A happy, healthy family!
Original article: http://www.gettingfittogether.com/how-to-eat-healthy-with-your-family/

All I would add is to start small and slowly, and it's likely that no one will even notice the changes.
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How to Use Meditation to combat Stress

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Like many a poor sap trying to make the most of this hectic world, my mind tends to churn like a washing machine filled with ferrets. Even in the most tranquil of moments, dozens of thoughts scrape and bite to get to the top of my consciousness—and most of the time, it’s the big ugly ones that win the race.
Rodents and household appliances aside, you may know this phenomenon simply as “stress.” You have a million things to do and a billion things to worry about. We all do. It’s the curse of the modern age.
Unfortunately, most of us look to pursuits to take the edge off; they may seem to help, but actually compound the problem. There’s nothing wrong with the occasional cocktail, or a little mindless television from time to time, but activities like this don’t solve anything. They just cover up your issues and make your thought process all the more unruly.
If you’re looking for a serious solution, meditation is a far more effective way to cut through the cerebral clutter—and unlike a booze bender or a reality TV marathon, it only takes 5 to 10 minutes a day.

The Benefits of Meditation

How to Meditate

People tend to associate meditation with Eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism, but Judeo-Christian fans may be surprised to learn that there are references to meditation in the Old Testament. And, in Islam, meditation is an important part of Sufism. Although there are certainly connections to religion, meditation, in the modern sense, can be completely secular. No blue deities, no transcending this earthly form, no incense (unless you dig that, then it’s, like, totally cool)—just an opportunity to organize your thoughts and take back your brain from the laundry list of external forces pulling you in a million directions.
The science on the benefits of meditation is super strong, especially when it comes to stress reduction. Research appearing in the Journal of Biomedical Research shows that meditation does this by increasing parasympathetic activity. Your nervous system is divided into two parts—sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic nervous system controls your “fight or flight” reactions. It’s the predominant nervous system when you’re under the gun. The parasympathetic nervous system controls your “rest and digest” functions. In other words, when things are mellow, the parasympathetic takes charge—and meditation makes that happen more often.
But that’s just part of the story. A consistent meditation practice has been scientifically linked to improved cardiovascular health, focus, and information processing. In fact, if you pick a malady at random, odds are that there’s a reasonably credible study showing that meditation either improves symptoms or acts as an effective way to manage symptoms. There’s really no reason not to do it.

Many people mistakenly think the goal of all meditation is to “turn off your brain.” This is one technique (sort of), but in truth the definition of meditation shifts depending on whom you ask. In some circles, it’s a matter of reading a philosophical/religious text and contemplating the key passages (suggestions: the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, or Winnie the Pooh). Tony Horton often refers to yoga as “moving meditation.” When I’m cycling alone, I often focus so intently on my breathing and the cadence of my peddling that it becomes a form of meditation. Some people consider sitting on a favorite park bench and breathing deeply for five minutes to be meditative.
However you do it, the key to any good meditation practice is to quiet the noise in your brain—not drown it out or dope it up, but actively calm it down. All those options aside, if you’re looking for something more specific, there are a few meditation techniques that have been shown to be especially effective.
First, it’s important to find a quiet place with minimal distractions. Here in Los Angeles, lots of people prefer the beach. Frankly, I find the waves, the birds, and the beauty of it all just too distracting. My favorite place to meditate is the middle of my living room, at about 6 AM before my daughter and my dog wake up demanding waffles and kibble (in that order).
Next, sit comfortably, but up straight. You want to be comfy because, once you master it, you’ll be there for a while. You want to be upright for a couple reasons. Many experts claim it’s necessary because a straight spine allows energy to flow better. Personally, I think sitting up straight is a good way to avoid accidentally falling asleep. If you have back issues, do what you need to do. I elevate my rump by sitting cross-legged on a yoga bolster. I also support my spine by sitting with my back against a wall.
Finally, start with five minutes a day and increase gradually as it becomes easier. Odds are, your thoughts are going to be all over the map the first few times you do it. That’s cool. Even if your practice felt like a complete mess, it benefited you given it took you one step closer to learning how to calm your brain. You’ll get there. Just try again tomorrow.
From here, there are a number of practices to experiment with. You might want to try a variation of Transcendental Meditation (TM), developed by Maharashi Mahesh Yogi, who you might remember as that yogi guy who hung out with the Beatles. In this practice, you pick a mantra to focus on—a word that has meaning to you and feels right, such as “love” or “heal” or “beer.” (It could happen.) Armed with your mantra, sit quietly and repeat it silently to yourself. When your mind wanders—which it will—simply steer it back to your mantra.
Another technique is mindfulness meditation. Like the TM variation above, start with a focal point—typically your breath. That’ll hold your attention for a little while, but soon thoughts or sensations will try to take over. Don’t try steering away from these things. Instead, accept them without judgment and let them pass by, like waves on a beach or clouds in the sky. If it helps, you can also assign “tags” to help you observe thoughts passively. For example, let’s say you’re in the middle of meditating and suddenly you remember how one of your coworkers stole your lunch out of the fridge yesterday. Instead of following that path and letting your anger consume you, assign it a tag that describes how you feel, like “anger.” Now, just repeat “anger” in your head, distancing yourself from both the thought and the emotion. It should soon pass.
I’ve found this technique to be an incredibly powerful tool for managing my emotions. It can also be used for pain management, by isolating and passively accepting pain instead of letting it consume you—which can be a massive benefit when Shaun T’s got your legs searing in the middle of an INSANITY workout.
If you’re looking for a more in-depth look into mindfulness meditation, I strongly recommend Meditation for Beginners by Jack Kornfield.
The modern world is a stressful place. Sometimes, there’s nothing you can do about the barrage of stressors that make up daily life. You can, however, change how you—and your body—react to them, so take a deep breath and take back your life.
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5 Tips to Fight Fitness Burnout

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Have you ever felt physically and mentally drained when it comes to fitness? It’s like you’ve hit a brick wall and you don’t feel like doing anything. Every push-up is a chore. Every lunge is a struggle. Even proper nutrition and other things healthy feel like an uphill battle. If you’ve ever felt stuck and helpless in your fitness program, you’re not alone.

Even the most dedicated fitness enthusiasts can experience low motivation at some point. Often it’s no big deal – for a day or two you might feel less than motivated about your fitness routine and then you’re back in the swing of it. Other times, it can persist more than a few days and affect your confidence and overall energy and determination. In severe cases, this low motivation can turn into burnout, which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to show up ready and willing to exercise.

Burnout is the psychological, emotional, and sometimes, physical withdrawal from an activity you once enjoyed. At first, you feel emotionally and physically exhausted and nothing can get you energized. Next, you develop a cynical attitude towards fitness, believing it’s pointless and won’t help you to achieve any of your goals. Eventually, you start to think negatively about yourself and your performance.

Although burnout is real, if you are experiencing it, or believe you may be on your way, you’re not doomed. Here are 5 proven steps you can start today to give yourself the best shot at regaining your energy and positive focus. Many of these steps could also be used to combat burnout in other areas of your life as well.

Step 1: Change your routine

Demotivation and burnout is often the result of following the same routine and focusing on the same goals. A common phrase in sport psychology is “A change is as good as rest.” Any type of change, such as switching programs, training with a friend, or using different equipment (e.g. resistant bands instead of weights) can create a new challenge that not only improves your physical health, but your overall mindset, energy, and motivation to get back to your workout program.

Step 2: Remember your fitness pleasures

Developing lean muscles, lowering your body fat percentage, or achieving gains in muscular strength are all good reasons for training. However, a tunnel vision focus on results can quickly contribute to burnout because it distracts you away from the enjoyment of being physically active for its own sake.

When you’re following a training schedule, continue to include other physical activities you enjoy such as hiking, dancing, swimming, or tennis. By balancing activities driven by intrinsic motivation (those you do purely for the satisfaction you experience when doing them) with those that are driven by extrinsic motivation (motivation that is connected in some way to an external driver) you can optimize your fitness enthusiasm.

Step 3: Celebrate your daily efforts and achievements

Burnout can be partially brought on if you’re constantly focusing on what you haven’t achieved yet. It’s time to focus on the good stuff. For instance, take a look at pro sports. It’s not just the goals that are applauded. Every successful catch, interception, and rebound is celebrated by the players. The athletes always take a brief moment to acknowledge their efforts and achievements. You too must celebrate your daily successes. Take at least one minute every day to journal one fitness achievement. It may be that you completed the entire set of an exercise for the first time, that you trained even though you really didn’t feel like it, or that you moved up a skill level.

Step 4: Set daily process goals

Setting long-term result goals are valuable, but if they don’t come as quickly as you think they should they can also distract you from the day-to-day and cause you a lot of stress. Process goals help you to stay focused on the little things that will keep you confident and motivated to cross the finish line. Your process goals could be holding a specific pose for five more seconds, making it through your training without pressing the pause button, or improving your technique in one particular exercise. With each fitness session, fulfilling your process objectives will create a greater sense of achievement that can only boost your inner drive.

Step 5: Ask for social support

One of the best ways out of burnout is to ask for support. Reach out and share your experiences, talk through specific problems that are having a negative impact on your mood. As the old adage goes, “A problem shared is a problem halved.” The message boards, blog comments, and Beachbody’s social pages are there for you to do just that. By vocalizing your pain and talking through solutions you’ll feel less alone in your experience. It will also help you feel as though you are taking action towards improving your situation, and that can give you an extra little boost of confidence to push through and persevere.
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Which Fruits and Vegetables Have the Most Pesticides?

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It can be challenging to afford a diet that is 100% organic, especially when it comes to the produce section of the supermarket. (Have you seen how much they want for a tiny basket of organic raspberries?) So, how can you eat the recommended 6-7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day without breaking the bank, and without exposing yourself to dangerous pesticides? Help is here.

The Environmental Working Group released its annual Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce that tells consumers which fruits and vegetables have the highest concentration of harmful chemicals, and which are relatively clean (but still have somepesticide residue). They publish two lists, the Dirty Dozen, and the Clean Fifteen. Rankings are based on data gathered by the USDA, which measures pesticide levels in produce that has been washed and peeled, just like you would prepare it at home. Some sampled items had very low rates of pesticides (here’s looking at you, avocados), while others, like grapes and bell peppers had 15 different chemicals!

These lists can help you make informed choices about the produce you buy. Save a few dollars on conventional asparagus and onions, but, whenever possible, spring for the organic strawberries.

How do you like them apples?

The answer is, not so much. 99% of apples tested had pesticide residue. In fact, apples claimed the top spot on EWG’s list for the fifth straight year. The next-worst offenders were peaches and nectarines.

Not-so-hot Potatoes

Conventionally-grown potatoes have more pesticides by weight than any other type of produce tested. If you haven’t already made the switch to sweet potatoes, now would be the time to do it. Sweet potatoes outshine potatoes in basic nutritional value, and they made the Clean Fifteen list.

Extra Dirt

The EWG recommends that people who eat a lot of kale, collard greens, and hot peppers, buy organic. Even though these did not meet the criteria to be ranked in the Dirty Dozen, they contain trace amounts of pesticides that are highly toxic to the human nervous system. Cooking can reduce the concentration of pesticides in these foods.

Are you concerned about the amount of pesticides in your food?
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How To Share BeachBody Promo videos

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I made this quick how-to video for my coaches so they would easily be able to share BeachBody product videos with their interested people.

If you are interested in finding more about being a coach and helping people with their health and fitness goals send me an email to JoseyFishFitness@gmail.com and join the #LiveYourDreams team!

You can also go here to watch the promo video I talk about: http://beachbodycoach.com/esuite/home/SarahJosey?bctid=4087726902001

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Adventure Fitness

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Do you like to travel?

Do you find it hard to stay healthy and fit while on the road?

It can be a struggle, if you're out of your routine, in an unfamiliar place, your regular Zumba instructor is thousands of miles away, and you just spent 12 hours on a plane to get to wherever you are headed and your body feels like a pile of airplane food mush.

Fortunately for you there is an easy answer!

With the digital age doing even more digital, there are TONS of online resources for fitness programs you can do anywhere you have access to the internet and a device to use it with.

Sure, you could get a 24 Hour Fitness membership (they have gyms in every major city in the U.S.), but what if your travels take you farther off the beaten path?

This coming April I'm going to be going to such a place, and I want to take you with me.

Join my Adventure Fitness Challenge!

All you need to participate is a desire to exercise and some way to connect to the internet...you can use a computer, your phone, or your tablet...doesn't matter how!

And it doesn't matter what fitness level you are at either, because there is a program for everyone at every fitness level.

If you're looking to build muscle, get more lean, work on your cardio, build your booty, or just get back in to exercise after a long period of time or injury, I can help you decide which program is right for you, and then you can do it all from wherever you are!

I'm excited to take my life on the road, and even more excited to inspire you to do it with me...so who's in?

Checkout and join the Facebook event: (and invite your friends to join!) https://www.facebook.com/events/781512161936428/

Want to watch a video about it? Go here

Want to jump right in and sign up? Go here to order your challenge pack

Have more questions? Send me an email and ask!!

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Be Brave

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Death is the absolute.

We are all going to die. So, how do you choose to live? Even with death impending, you have a choice to live without the inflicted suffocation of containment in a life that will without a doubt destroy you, from the inside out—or you can fling yourself out of the window, into the open air and free of the destruction.

If you’re waiting for the right day, the right time, the right amount of money, the right age of your children to be, the right moment—it will never come. You are going to have to do it knowing you can’t go back. Trust.

Our world is in desperate need of all of us right now. We are being called to embrace our strengths and contribute to the world by doing our work.

Just remember, every single moment you remain coiled in a ball of fear, our world fractures just a little bit more because your heart is breaking, aching to be acknowledged, by you. Listen, and then take action.

Be brave. Save yourself, save the world.
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On Demand Fitness!!

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I'm really excited about this new feature available to my Team BeachBody clients who have the Club membership...starting March 2nd you'll be able to stream workout programs from anywhere!!

You'll automatically have unlimited streaming access to hundreds of workouts from Beachbody's collection of world-class fitness programs.

This is well over $1,000 USD in value that has been added to the Team Beachbody Club membership. What's more, the price will stay the same at launch—$38.87 USD for 90 days (that's $0.43 per day!!!!)

Or get signed up HERE

Beachbody On Demand will house a catalog of complete Beachbody workout programs. Here are the programs that will be available starting in March:

  • P90X® & P90X Deluxe
  • P90X2® & P90X2 Deluxe
  • P90X3® & P90X3 Deluxe
  • P90X ONE on ONE® Volume 1
  • 10 Minute Trainer®
  • TurboFire®
  • Brazil Butt Lift® & Brazil Butt Lift Deluxe
  • ChaLEAN Extreme®
  • Hip Hop Abs®


When you log in to TeamBeachbody.com as a paid member of the Team Beachbody Club, you simply select the 'Beachbody On Demand' tab from the home page, then choose any fitness program in the Member Library, and press play!

Convenience: Enjoy 24/7 streaming access from your laptop, tablet, or mobile device. No DVDs required. All you need is an Internet connection.

Variety: Try different programs that are all proven to deliver incredible results. You can also try out different trainers, workout lengths, or fitness levels before committing to a program.
Simplicity: All the program guides, workout calendars and nutrition plans will be online—all in one place.

No more excuses. Now you will be able to work out anywhere there's an Internet connection: at home, the gym, outdoors—even while you're traveling.

If you don't already have a Club Membership now is the time to get one! At some point in the not-to-distant future the price will potentially go up, so get locked in for the low price that's currently available. Go HERE to get signed up today!

Now is also the perfect time to get in with the 


With this Challenge Pack, you'll have access to an assortment of their most popular fitness programs (everything in the Member Library); so you can then choose the one that's right for you.

Here's what's included:

  • A 90-day Premium membership to the Team Beachbody Club with Beachbody On Demand. (After 90 days, you will be charged the quarterly Club membership price).
  • 30-day supply of Shakeology which will convert to Shakeology Home Direct (our monthly autoship program) after 30 days.

At $140 USD, this Challenge Pack is a phenomenal deal for you. You'll save $28 USD as opposed to buying these items separately.

The Club & Shakeology Challenge Pack is ideally suited for anyone who's new to Beachbody, undecided about which fitness program to try, or someone who would love the convenience of accessing Beachbody workouts—anytime, anywhere.


Later in March, we will be adding another big perk to Beachbody On Demand. When your customers, who are Premium (paid) Team Beachbody Club members, purchase select DVD programs that are not in the Member Library, they'll be able to exclusively stream those programs as well. Just look for "Purchased Programs" in Beachbody On Demand.

The first set of programs that will be available for streaming later in March as part of the Purchased Program section are FOCUS T25®, 21 Day Fix® and 21 Day Fix EXTREME®. Over time, we will slowly broaden the library of available Purchased Programs to be streamed.


Another huge benefit of becoming a Premium Team Beachbody Club member? Exclusive access to try workouts from many of our newest programs along with some other noteworthy programs. Just look for "New and Noteworthy" in Beachbody On Demand.

This section will allow you and your customers to preview select single workouts of some of Beachbody's newest and best-selling programs. In other words, now for the first time, you and your customers will be able to get a sneak preview of the program and try before you buy.

Here are the programs you will have exclusive access to starting in March 2015:

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A note from me

I recieve a small commision for the purchase of items from links in this blog, though the cost will remain the same to you no matter where you buy them from. If you do choose to buy the products, I sure do appreciate it if you buy them from me! You can be sure you're doing that by coming back to my page and using my links to take you to the website for purchasing. I have personally used each of these products and only recommend those that I believe in and find to be in alignment with my values and goals. Thank you for supporting me by purchasing through my links! If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with me