Day 6 Macro plan update

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Yesterday was a tough day.

I felt like I didn't sleep well again and had a really hard time motivating to workout. My quads were really sore and it made doing leg lifts really tough, so I coped out a bit and did some Brazil Butt Lift exercises instead. Overall my workout was very sub-par. I also could not motivate to do my workout fasted, so I had my morning shake first and then exercised, which helped...I think I was just feeling really run down.

My eating was spot on otherwise though! I like using the MyFitnessPal app a lot, though I'd prefer if I just got my shit together and did a big meal prep day and got everything laid out for the week...such is the life on an entrepreneur! No days off to do such things :)

But despite that I'm still finding myself staying within the guideline because I know how important the nutrition part is.

Eating all the carbs and reducing the fat is still messing with me mentally a bit, I can tell I'm craving more fat but I'm not sure if it's just mental.

I am loving how much vegetables this is making me eat...I always eat veggies at every meal but now that I'm including more dense sources of them to help reach my carbs it is more than I would be eating otherwise.

I didn't enjoy eating the 4oz of smoked salmon all that much, I normally LOVE smoked salmon but somehow that one day it felt like WAY too much salt for me so I may sub that one out for some other things.

This morning I'm having my coffee black for the first time since starting...I'm supposed to drink it this way but I didn't want to give up my coconut milk (which I started to measure on day 1 and have been using 1tsp. in each 12oz I have...which turns out is the perfect amount). Yesterday I got some coffee from a coffee shop and had it black and it tasted WAY better than what I make at home so I think I need to clean my coffee pot and get some better coffee.

I'm going skiing on Monday and I'm a bit nervous about how I'm going to bring all the food I need for the day but it will be a good test!!
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