Day 23 Macro Meal Plan Update

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This past week has been tough.

Between all the Thanksgiving dinners and the family vacation I just went on I KNOW I've had more 'cheat' meals than I was supposed to, simply because I was eating out and had little control over what was in the food.
Each time I actually tried to stay as close to what I was supposed to be eating for the day as possible, sticking with lean protein options and veggies, but it's hard to really know what you're getting.

I've been great about getting in exercise most scheduled days as I was already habituated to it.

Typically I've been doing a T25 video in the morning for cardio, and if it works out well, doing the lifts I'm supposed to do for the day during the video or right afterwards.

Some days I've taken my dog for a short run and then done the lifts later in the day, and I actually really like this way of doing things, as does my dog :). However I have a hard time pushing myself when I run as I've had issues with my lungs in the past where I end up coughing blood when I push myself too hard, with no explanation available from doctors, but it never seems to happen when I'm doing any other kind of intense cardio (like T25!), so I tend to stick to that, or when I am on a run I give myself permission to stop and start as often as I feel I need to.

I also came across the idea of Rest Based Training from the Metabolic Effect people and really love the style of training. The concept is basically to Push until you can't, Rest until you can, so it ends up creating a personalized interval training style of cardio.

They are also big proponents of walking for an hour or more a day, especially if you can do it right after a workout that is more 'metabolic' in nature as they say it helps to circulate and burn up any of the stored fat that you may have just mobilized. It's also helpful for reducing stress levels, which I know is personally a HUGE factor for me when it comes to where I hold my extra body fat....stress is weak point for sure.

Overall I LOVE being able to do some cardio in the AM and then doing some heavier lifting in the PM as I feel the best during both workouts when I do it this way. It's hard to have energy for both the weights and the cardio in the AM if I'm doing them fasted, I find I'm not as strong for lifts and that's always annoying when I know I can lift more than I am. But having the time to workout twice a day is not always possible for me, so I do the best I can and try not to stress about it (because more stress isn't obviously not good!)

I've found the MyFitnessPal app to be the BEST thing ever for helping me track what I'm eating because at almost no point in time have I actually followed one of my designed days that was created for me, but I have tried to stay within the guidelines (my macros) created but I wonder if I've been doing it right. I've for sure reached 140g or more of Protein each day as I've been very intentional to do that (and it's way more protein than I've ever eaten before!), and typically I'm somewhere around 140g of Carbs, but I since the MyFitnessPal app makes you choose your macro % in increments of 5 for the free version, I've been ending up somewhere around 60g of Fat each day (I put in that I'm supposed to be eating 1700 calories/day) and I wonder if I"m not eating the correct ratios of the macros.

I wish there was a way for you to see my food journals on the app each day!

My goal for this next week is to prep according to the meal plan you gave me and NOT go off-roading like I have been and see how it changes things for me.
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