Day 24 Macro Meal Plan update

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I'm starting to feel frustrated a bit.

Somedays I feel like I've made progress, my skin feel tighter, I don't feel like I have as much fat in certain areas, but then some of the major areas I'm trying to get at (my lat's) haven't changed at all.

My husband says he's noticed a difference mostly in my lower abdomen area, which is one of the areas I've been concerned about, so that's good, but I haven't seen any change in my numbers or in my photos.

I've been really good about tracking everything I eat in the MyFitnessPal app, but I think it's not the best way to do things...there are so many different options for the foods that who knows if I'm actually sticking to the macros laid out for me.

As far as workouts go, I've been very consistent with daily workouts, but not in the exact format given to me. I've typically been doing some kind of T25 workout for cardio, perhaps with the lifts worked in that I'm supposed to do, or I'll do them right after, and then take my dog for a walk.

Last night I started to feel like this whole thing was taking over my life and that it wasn't worth it, I was stressed and all I wanted was a glass of wine or something else to help me feel more calm, not the 20 more grams of protein I was supposed to eat.

If I'm being totally honest with myself, even though I've made lots of changes to how I eat, I haven't been following the plan as it was laid out for me, and I think it's why I'm not seeing the results I want.
I like doing two workouts in a day, if I have the time, but things have been so busy this time of year with work that in the evenings I always have something I have to do, so a second workout wasn't an option.

However this next week I have less to do and I'm going to focus more and get to following the designated meal plan instead of the DIY style I've been doing to see if it makes a difference.

As silly as it is, I feel like the meal prep containers would be really helpful to get me mentally prepared because then I wouldn't have to measure and portion everyday, but I have SO MANY containers that I can't justify buying more...and especially plastic ones...I hate plastic :(

So long story short, I haven't been sticking to the plan as much as I probably thought I was, so it's time to get back to it.
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