Step Out of your Comfort Zone

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When is the last time you left your Comfort Zone?

When was the last time that you stepped out of your comfort zone and worked on something that REALLY challenged you? When you felt uncomfortable? When you were in ‘uncharted territory’ for yourself?

We don’t progress and we don’t change when we stay in our comfort zones.

This applies to EVERYTHING in life.

We don’t get better bodies without progressing and changing our workouts.

We don’t get healthier without changing our poor habits and making better choices.

We don’t create better relationships without putting in effort and choosing to surround ourselves with the right people.

We don’t ADVANCE in our work environment or business without continually progressing, learning and accepting new challenges 
AND MOST CERTAINLY don’t advance towards our personal GOALS without stepping out of our comfort zone and working on things that challenge us.

Comfort zones are COMFORTABLE but they do NOTHING to help us advance towards our goals.
I challenge myself with my body all of the time and I remind myself regularly with my business and life goals to STEP OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE and challenge myself.

I have been working for the past few months non-stop developing new challenges to propel my business and my client's health to new levels

It challenges me, it creates doubts, it frustrates me , it beats me up some days (like yesterday) and it makes me humble.

Why do I continue?

Because I KNOW that with these experiences comes welcome change and THAT is how we reach our goals.

Excuses or Solutions…YOU Decide!!

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Decide. Commit. Succeed.

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Nobody that is successful just ‘sees how it goes’ and gives things a ‘try’; they COMMIT to success!

Did Steve Jobs just try and make an MP3 player and ‘see how it goes’? Did Oprah ‘try’ to have a good tv show? Did Michael Jordan ‘try’ to be the best basketball player in the world? Even if you can’t say it, you know deep down inside the answer to all of the above questions is a resounding NO!

Are you the person who has ‘tried EVERYTHING’, but unable to get results? If so, then this blog could change your life. Read on and find out why ‘trying’ isn’t going to get you where you want to go.

You have to DECIDE & COMMIT to something if you REALLY want to SUCCEED.

Quit “trying” and start “committing” – People ‘try’ to make money, run a marathon, lose weight, etc. all the time. But those that COMMIT to it, get the results.

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful.”
I have a question for you: what it is that you are REALLY looking for? Are you looking for results OR are you looking for another excuse so you can FEEL like you attempted something?

It didn’t take you an hour and $50.00 to get the body you are unhappy with now so what makes you think you can FIX the problem with money and a short amount of time? That program you just spent money on is not going to do a dang thing sitting on your bookshelf. The best workout videos do NOTHING sitting next to your TV. And even if you DO watch them, if you are sitting on your couch when you do it, they will NOT work!

You need to DO the WORK. That “diet pill” you think will make you a size 6 will NEVER work by itself…no matter HOW expensive it is, or how convincing the commercial was at marketing.

Get your MIND RIGHT!

WHY is it that you want results? Start with your goals – think them through, take some time writing down why and how you plan on achieving them! Make a dream board, visualize what you want to accomplish, and put it out for you and everyone to see! Tell others what you are working to accomplish and COMMIT to it! If you don’t do these exercises first you are bound to fail…but at least you can say ‘I tried’. You have to DO THE WORK first and commit to making things happen before you can make yourself reach that goal.

Visualize it!

Those individuals that ARE successful have a very clear vision prior to starting on what they are going to accomplish! Nobody that is successful just “sees how it goes”. They have a CRYSTAL CLEAR vision of what they want to accomplish and they commit to that success!

Quit blaming others

It is NO ONE ELSE’S FAULT that you are out of shape. It is not the “diet plan” that didn’t work. It is not your “family who doesn’t let you workout” or your “busy job”. It is YOU not doing the work. If you want to blame somebody, go look in the mirror and give that person a pep-talk and swift kick in the bootie!

EXCUSES will NEVER get results, but SOLUTIONS will!

I get it. You may have harder circumstances or challenges that others don’t have to face. Who cares!

Find a way! CREATE a SOLUTION! As Nike said – JUST DO IT!

No one cares about your “excuses”. There are tons of people who have been in worse situations than you who have found solutions and created success. They did the work!

Here is the thing, until you realize that you have to COMMIT to a result, NO program is EVER going to work for you. You know why? Because you will NEVER fully put it into action.

Here’s the Deal–

I will help anyone who wants to help themselves FIRST. Just let me know what you want to do. You can keep sharing in excuses with friends who will give you validation, but that won’t get you one step closer to your goals. When you’re ready to COMMIT and TAKE ACTION and contact me

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6 things that Must be in place to create change

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Do you ever wonder why you seem to never accomplish what you set out to do? Do you wonder why the motivation to change starts out fierce but soon fizzles off with excuses and then acceptance?

Consider this, maybe there is more to it then “will power” or “good luck.” Consider that there may be 6 critical things that are not in place. Without these 6 things in place, CHANGE won’t happen and last.

1. You have to believe it to achieve it

Belief – It always seems easier to get back to a place you once knew. If at one time you were fit and your ideal weight but lost your way you will likely have an easier time returning to that once great place because you knew it before. If you have never ever felt great about yourself and never at any time been at your ideal state then you likely don’t believe that is possible. You may try different things but if deep down you don’t “believe” you can be a certain way they tend to self sabotage. If you feel that no workout plan or program will ever work for you because you have not gotten the results you want prior well then guess what? It will never work for you! To change this you have to change your mind set. You have to look at things the way a child would. With a sense of wonder and curiosity and a very open mind. Let go of the idea that something will not work for you and BELIEVE that it will.

2. Let go of comfort zones

Comfort – We tend to always go back to comfort zones. When the workout gets too “uncomfortable” or “hard” or when the meal plan gets too “complicated” we automatically go back to comfort. Our bodies and our minds know how to quickly adjust to be comfortable again. You have to get UNCOMFORTABLE if you want to become comfortable with new results. Until we shift our definition of comfort our old ways and habits will continue to pop up.

3. Get really really selfish

“What is it for me” – There has to be a reward. You have to know why you are fighting the good fight. If you are trying to lose weight for someone else it will be very hard to make the change. You have to dig deep and really understand what is in it for you. I talk to clients all of the time who say “I want to get thin for vanity but I can’t stick to the plan”. I understand why! When you are curled up in sweats on the couch with the TV on and bags of chips calling your name VANITY at that moment is not important to you! So, you revert back to “comfort”. The way to address this is to think through your deep goals. The “why” you want this. How will it make you FEEL to reach your goal? Will it improve your relationship? Your business? (If you need help digging deep into your WHY don't hesitate to get in touch and ask me for help figuring it out)

4. Knowledge is power

Knowledge - You have to know what to do. Spend time learning and researching. Don’t just “follow a plan” learn why it is good and why it will work. Don’t take someones word for something. Rather, learn about it, understand it. When you understand why too much sugar is not great for you or why doing certain exercises a certain way are effective you will be more longer to commit and push past your comfort zone.

5. Stop trying and start committing

Commit don’t try – Once you know what to do and how to do it, commit to it. Trying will never work. Commit and conquer.

6. Consistency is everything

Consistency - The most important step at all is this one right here. You have to be consistent. It did not take you a short period of time to get off track. It can’t ALL be undone in a day, a week or a month. Be consistent, push through, commit to making things happen and a you new will emerge. Good things take time. THERE IS NO MAGIC BUTTON.

7. You Need Support

Support - so I know I said 6 this one is a bonus for you. You can't do anything alone. When you start to change yourself it will affect all the other people around you, and if they aren't on board, it will make it harder for you to make the changes you want to make.
So get all the people around you involved in your changes as well, tell them what you are doing and get them to support you.

You may also want to consider additional support in the form of a coach or mentor to make sure you're staying on track. Having someone who checks in with you on a regular basis, that asks you the tough questions about what you're doing (or not doing) is often a game changer for people trying to make lifestyle changes; it would be a thriving industry if it wasn't worth something.

So there you have it. Get those 6 things in place and hang on!! …because your life is going to change for the better and take you places you could never imagine!!!

Ready to take ACTION and be ACCOUNTABLE for a new, healthier and fitter you? Send me an email to to join my next challenge group.

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Who's your Support system?

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The Mentorship and Social Support Survey

In a survey run of people participating in a coaching group a number of different questions were asked of the participants, some of which were to ascertain their level of fitness, some of which were to test their nutritional knowledge, and some of which were to determine their access to mentorship and social support.

The results were fascinating.
They wanted to know how much of an impact mentorship and social support actually have on a person’s ability to reach their physique goals.

So they asked people to rate their happiness with their own physique on a scale from 1 to 5, like so:

  • Extremely unhappy – I’m nowhere near my goal and I doubt I can make it.
  • Unhappy – I’m far from my goal but I’m willing to do something about it.
  • Ambivalent – I’m working toward my goal but I’ve got a ways to go.
  • Happy – I’m close to my goal and making progress.
  • Extremely Happy – I’ve achieved my goal and I’m working on maintenance now.

They then looked only at the people who answered [5. Extremely Happy] in order to measure the impact of various factors on their success.

What stood out immediately was the fact that there wasn’t a significant difference in nutritional knowledge between the people who had achieved their goals (the 5’s) and the people who were still working on it (the 3’s and 4’s).

The people who achieved their goals knew their stuff (you have to, of course – success is not an accident), but so did many of the “in progress” people. In other words, you need to understand nutrition science – but it isn’t enough to get in great shape.

But then they looked at the response to this question:

“Have you ever had regular mentorship from someone who was in the exact shape you wanted to be in?”

Note: In this context, regular mentorship is defined as constructive and impartial feedback and direction, on a near-daily basis, for a continuous period of at least 3 months.

And check this out:
  • 77% of the 5’s said “Yes” (37 out of 48)
  • Only 17% of the 3’s and 4’s said “Yes”
  • And less than 5% of the 1’s and 2’s said “Yes”

That’s a remarkable difference! 

Think about what that means for a second: you need to know a lot about exercise and nutrition, that’s true; but most of all, you need to find someone who’s where you want to be, and lean on them for help.

Question of the day

So, the question of the day is this…do you have somebody in your life that actually knows how to eat well – and is healthy enough, vibrant enough, and fit enough to demonstrate it? Seriously, do you have someone that can help you work through nutrition problems and troubleshoot obstacles, rather than just telling you to eat more proteins, carbs, and fats?

If you have a good role model in your social circle right now, someone who has already done what you want to do, and someone who can mentor you to success, make the absolute most of it!

If however you don’t already have a mentor like that, FIND ONE IMMEDIATELY.

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5 Steps to Building Habits that Last

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One of the unfortunate facts of life is it is much easier to create and stick to a bad habit than it is to create and stick to a good one. The whys of this go back to the origins of human nature. Suffice to say that when it comes to creating healthy habits, it pays to focus on the positive.

While it’s difficult to try to change old bad habits, it is far more effective to focus on creating new good ones. Doing so actually creates healthier pathways in your brain and makes you more creative.

Creating habits helps alleviate decision-making fatigue by decreasing the number of decisions we have to make. Do things regularly and you won’t have to fret about whether you will or you won’t. One less decision to stress you out. Bonus: Improving your life.

While conventional wisdom says creating a new habit takes 21-28 days, the UK Health Behavior Research Center’s study that showed it took 66 days on average to form a new habit. Habits are hard to create and harder still to maintain.

So what are some effective ways to foster healthy habits that you can implement in the next 66 days?


1. Be clear about your goal.

Know exactly what you want. Commit to it. Make it specific. Write it down. Make it public. Type it in italics to show importance.

2. Strive for consistency over performance.

It matters more how often you do something than how well you do it. So keep doing it.

A great tool to help you get into a routine is to record your progress. It will keep you honest about doing it and keep you focused on your goal. In the process, most people discover that tracking progress can be a lot of fun.

3. Maintain positivity.

This is easier said than done but there are some basics that will help:
~ Get support. Whether it’s a workout buddy, a coach, or just someone who can talk you out of a funk, you need people like this for encouragement and especially when the going gets tough. And it will. It doesn’t have to be an individual either. Some people like support groups or prefer to join a team.
~ Use “but” when you start to think negative thoughts or want to give up. Be aware when your mind is engaging in self-defeating chatter, and find ways to detach from it.
~ Don’t worry if you slide a little. Everyone does. Just acknowledge the trigger that threw you off then get back on the proverbial horse. You have a destination.

4. Recommit…Recommit…Recommit…

Finding ways to bring your focus back to your goal will help you to keep that positive mindset and stick to your routine. Why not:
~ Put up post-its or signs in key places.
~ Send yourself email reminders.
~ Set your written goal as your desktop background.
~ Recommit each Monday. That way you have 52 chances a year to get remotivated if you get off track or your resolve falters. You can even check out Healthy Monday, a non-profit national public health campaign that encourages people to use Monday as the day for all things healthy.

5. Reward yourself in a way that works for you.

Although it’s debatable whether external incentives and rewards actually help motivate people to take on healthier habits, the intrinsic rewards do the trick.

When long-term exercisers (who had been working out for an average of 13 years) were asked what motivated them to keep up their workouts, the primary reasons had to do with feeling good- the reward was the health benefit they reaped.

Even if you are offering yourself an external or extrinsic reward when you reach a milestone, it may just be the intrinsic rewards that will keep you going.

You can use your tracking method to record where you are in the process and how far you’ve come. You can track the benefits gained and the pain avoided in addition to the actual quantifiable increases in performance. Make sure to take note because this knowledge of your success is a reward in and of itself.
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What do you LOVE about yourself?

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“I hate my thighs…”

“I am fat…”

“I am lazy…”

“I will never be XYZ…”
Does that little voice in your head say things like that to you everyday?

If you are like many of us, it just might. But I’m going to show you how to turn that around!


We spend so much time focusing on flaws and critiquing ourselves that no WONDER we feel discouraged and fail to become our best selves.

You know what you DON’T like because you remind yourself daily. Your friends and family know also what you “don’t like” because you tell them all of the time what you don’t like!

Everyone, including YOU, has something they LOVE and everyone has a TALENT.

So here is a challenge for you… What do you LOVE about yourself?
Is it your waist? Your smile? Your eyes? Your sense of humor? Your knack for making friends? Your ability to sing?

What is it that you LOVE about yourself?

Everyone has SOMETHING they love about themselves!

Focus on making what you love about yourself shine brighter and let go of the self hate and actively looking for what is wrong. What you focus on most will always expand, so choose to focus on what you love!
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How to determine your Fitness Goals

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We are all familiar with the idea of “goal setting” and making new fitness goals. But did you know that the TYPE of goal you set determines if it will continue to motivate you and lead you towards success, OR knock you down which leads to discouragement and often a sense of failure instead of accomplishment?

The most common goal when it comes to fitness has something to do with “weight” or “size”. Over the years, the most common thing I have seen is people who set goals which revolve around hitting that ‘magic number’ on the scale or at the jeans shop.

The problem with this type of goal is that it can be tough to measure, slow going, frustrating, and down right discouraging. The issue for most people is they have a ‘number’ in their head that isn’t realistic. I have talked with people that had great energy, their clothes were fitting better, their friends were noticing….BUT the scale wasn’t moving! And THAT was wrecking their day and their motivation.

All these positives, but ‘that number’ was negating it all.

Look, nobody is walking around with a balloon over their head with their weight on it. So let’s stop using that as the ‘goal’ and look at something positive we can do that WILL lead to SUCCESS!

What if you dropped that goal “number” for good? What if you DECIDED to have a shift in your goal making?

Here is what I decided to do a while back and it works like a charm and I hope by sharing this with you it will encourage you to try!

FORGET ABOUT the weight and challenge yourself to PROGRESS at a skill. Why? For a few reasons.

1. PROGRESSION changes your body. Stop progressing and you stop improving.

2. By working towards a SKILL, you have something to MEASURE. You get better every time (that is a positive!) and you inevitably get fitter working on your new skill.

3. Not only does it force progression, but it distracts you from the negative things you DON’T like about your body and helps you focus on STRENGTH and the amazing things you CAN do.

4. The most important part – working on a new skill can be super fun and allow you to meet MORE supportive and like minded people. Talk about a SCORE!

A little over a year ago I had set the goal to be able to do 20 traditional push ups in a row. At the time in February I could hardly do SIX push ups without going to my knees.

BUT, through progression, determination and consistency practicing allowed me to surpass those goals by September. THAT gave me the encouragement to challenge myself further. Not only that, but in the process of changing those goals, my BODY CHANGED dramatically in those months!

This year I am challenging myself to learn some advanced lifting moves, improve my flexibility, and some other cool skills I will be sharing as the year goes on.

What skill are YOU working on?
What are YOUR fitness goals?

It’s okay if when I asked that a number popped in your head, it's what we're used to thinking about. We have all the time in the world to help you find a skill, training, or fitness goal you can achieve and be proud of!

Be Happy… Be Healthy… Be FIT!

Want to dig deeper into your why? Need some helping figuring out your true health goals and staying on track with them?

Check out my intensive coaching program:

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What is your WHY?

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“I have tried so many times, BUT…”

“I need to workout but can’t find the time…”

“I can’t seem to stay (or get) motivated”

“It is too hard to eat right…”

“I workout for a day or two, I don’t see results, so I stop…”

Are any of these you? If you are looking for answers on fixing the above I am going to turn this back to you and ask a very important question: What is your why?

The KEY to your Success

It is impossible to stay committed and determined to do ANYTHING unless you know your “WHY”. The “why” is the REAL reason, the DRIVING reason that you WANT to change, workout, get healthy, or whatever it is that you truly want to do.

You can’t change for someone else and you can’t change for non significant reasons. You can ONLY change if your WHY becomes important and visible.

How do you find your why?

Block out some time and put a lot of thought into this. WHAT is your why?
Flip through magazines and see what appeals to you and consider making a vision board which can help reveal some deep desires and why’s to you. Do some soul searching and get serious in your thinking here.

Is it for health?
To feel GREAT daily?
For more energy?
To be around and active for your children?

There is no wrong “why”, it just needs to have meaning and be personal to YOU!

Along those lines, you can’t take somebody else’s why and make it yours. Doesn’t matter that your family, doctor, friends, etc., think something should be important to you. YOU have to make it important to YOU!

Once you get to the route of what your “why” is, it CHANGES and DRIVES you. All of a sudden solutions will start presenting themselves to your problems. The hurdles become crystal clear and you start to take action and make things happen. All because you found out what dives you, you found your why.

Discovering your WHY is the most important step to changing as it gets your mind right. It is a critical first step that I include in my programs because once you find your “why” and your mind is focused, you cannot be stopped!

When your mind is active and focused on positive things, you WILL get positive results the exact same way an unsure and unfocused mind gets poor results.

If you are ready to make a change and find the answer to whatever your dilemma may be (no time, lack of motivation, etc.), FIND YOUR WHY …and the answer will come to you.

Want to dig deeper into your why? Need some helping figuring out your true health goals and staying on track with them?

You can print out this FREE worksheet to help you define your true values in life

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21 Day Fix Extreme Price Review

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The price of the 21 Day Fix Extreme is amazingly low considering everything that you get with the package: a fitness program, nutritional support, a meal plan, and a coach to help guide you...totally worth it!

The accountability from the coach is typically the deciding factor in whether or not people really stick with it.

In a study done on people working towards a health and fitness related goal it was found that the people who achieved their goals knew their stuff (you have to, of course – success is not an accident), but so did many of the “in progress” people.

In other words, you need to have the tools to get your results– but it isn’t enough to get in great shape, but most of all, you need to find someone who’s where you want to be, and lean on them for help.

So, the question of the day is this…do you have somebody in your life that actually knows how to eat well – and is healthy enough, vibrant enough, and fit enough to demonstrate it?

Seriously, do you have someone that can help you work through nutrition problems and troubleshoot obstacles?

If you have a good role model in your social circle right now, someone who has already done what you want to do, and someone who can mentor you to success, make the absolute most of it!

If however you don’t already have a mentor like that, FIND ONE IMMEDIATELY.

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Join the #BetterBooty Challenge!

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I recently came across some fun research that was done in to the benefits of building a more functional (and shapely) butt and thought it would be awesome to see how it works with all different types of people.

I would love to get a large sampling of people from all fitness levels to participate. If you're interested please get in touch!

Feel free to invite EVERYONE and ANYONE YOU KNOW TO JOIN! The more the merrier, and I'd like to find out how these different exercises work for different people.

It will be something anyone can do, from the beginner to the advanced exerciser, you'll be able to modify it to fit your starting level.

Also, as a thank you for participating I'll be giving away some cool PRIZES at the end :)

So if you want to join either send me an email to or leave a comment below with YOUR email and I'll get in touch with you!!

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21 Day Fix Extreme Preview

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21 Day Fix Extreme Preview

Love this video about the new 21 Day Fix Extreme because she talks about the differences between it and the original 21 Day Fix program. She also talks about how simple it is to follow the plan (which it is!)

The new 21 Day Fix Extreme is great for anyone wanting to make some serious changes in a short amount of time...but not for the faint of heart! You need to have strong resolve and a true goal to be reaching for if you want to do this program (think bikini competition!)

If you’ve done the original 21 Day Fix and want to take yourself further, of you have a vacation coming up that you want to be ready for then this is the program for you.

The workouts are only 30 minutes long but intense, so you get maximum results in a short amount of time. Also, when you get the challenge pack that includes Shakeology you get access to a FREE coach (that’s me!)  to help keep you on track to make sure you achieve your goals.

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21 Day Fix Extreme Diet

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This is a great explanation of the new 21 Day Fix Extreme program. Not for the faint of heart, but if you've got some changes you need to have happen fast this is the program for you!

In this hangout they will be talking about the 21 Day Fix Extreme Diet.

You'll hear about getting started and how to do it right.

They describe the portion control containers and clean eating. You'll hear who this program is for and a great tip on the use of the portion control containers.

Tally sheets are going to be available for each person who commits to the 21 Day Fix Extreme Diet.

Click this link to find out more:

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21 Day Fix & 21 Day Fix Extreme $70 OFF!!! (February 2015)

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This is such an awesome deal on these two programs! I did the original 21 Day Fix last year and it totally changed the way I's so easy to follow and gets such great results.

I can't wait to do the new exercise videos from the 21 Day Fix Extreme...I love weights and I love how short and effective the workouts are. Add in the Shakeology (which is so nutrient dense) and I know I'm going to have great day!

Check out: for our latest Health and Fitness Hangout!

Beachbody Challenge Packs are the complete package, offering total support for achieving health and fitness goals.

The formula? Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success.
With the 21 Day Fix Extreme and Shakeology Challenge pack, customers will receive the 21 Day Fix Extreme program, one of six delicious Shakeology flavors, and a FREE 30-day trial membership to the Team Beachbody Club, where customers will find all the support they’ll need to complete The Challenge!

For the next 21 days, you’ll take on new, intense, fun workouts that will push you beyond what you imagined possible. Not only are these workouts extreme, they’re also incredibly effective—and only 30 minutes long. Follow the workouts, with the provided 21 Day Fix EXTREME Eating Plan, and watch your body begin to transform.
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Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2015

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Find out which of the year’s hottest workouts will get you back on track

We happen to think the beginning of the year is a great time to get in shape. Not only do you have the biggest eating holidays of the year behind you, but being six months away from bathing suit season means you can make—and meet—healthy weight loss goals. If you have been down this road before, you know there’s a lot more to getting the body you want than watching what you eat. If you want the whole package, you’ll have to hit the gym. And for some serious inspiration, the American College of Sports Medicine released their list of the top 20 fitness trends for 2014, as chosen by over 3,800 fitness pros. Here, we break down the top 10:

1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Since 2008, the top spot on the ACSM survey was held by “Educated, Certified and Experienced Fitness Professionals.” But HIIT, which involves short bursts of activity followed by a short period of rest or recovery, takes the cake this year. HIIT programs aim to achieve maximum calorie burn in the shortest amount of time—most workouts top out at 30 minutes. The best part? Most of these programs work your full body, so no need to waste time with “arm days” and “leg days” at the gym.

Check out this program that specializes in HIIT: Insanity MAX 30

2. Body Weight Training

Body weight debuts at #2 on the list—and we’re a bit surprised it took us this long to catch on! Body weight exercises are exactly what you think they are: moves that use only your body weight to trim down and sculpt muscles. And we’re not just talking about push-ups and pull-ups, either. It’s back to basics and affordable: two great qualities for fitness-phobes.

Give the original Insanity a try for a great body-weight program

3. Educated and Experienced Fitness Professionals

Your Zumba teachers are no longer former-ballerinas—fitness instructors are now becoming more qualified than ever. With more and more organizations offering certifications, it’s more important than ever to choose a fitness instructor that’s the real deal. The ACSM suggests choosing someone certifiedthrough programs that are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Even though it dropped to number three after a six-year reign at the top, it’s pretty clear that individualized training is still very much ‘in.’

4. Strength Training

For the body you really want, you can’t just hop on the elliptical three days a week. A hearty balance of cardio and strength training is necessary for toning up and feeling stronger than ever, and we’re happy to see this fitness component at number 4. Start by dedicating an hour a day, three days a week to a different body part—one day for legs and butt, one for back and abs, and one for chest and arms.

This is a great strength training focused program: Body Beast

5. Exercise and Weight Loss

They call it diet and exercise for a reason! And as it appears on this list, more and more health and fitness professionals who provide weight loss programs are incorporating regular fitness along with safely restricting calories to help them see results on the scale. Take this trend to the streets and see if your gym offers a consultation with a nutritionist. They can help you build a healthy, affordable meal plan that fits into your life and your workout.

This program is also a great way to get started on your own: 21 Day Fix

6. Personal Training

More and more students are majoring in kinesiology these days, which means they’re preparing themselves for careers in allied health fields such as personal training. Education, training and proper credentialing for personal trainers have become increasingly important to their employers, and so they should to you. If you’ve never had a personal trainer before and crave individualized attention, this would be the year to do it!

7. Fitness Programs for Older Adults

Further proof that it’s never too late to be as healthy and fit as you’ve always wanted to be. And now, more gyms, trainers, and fitness brands are taking the time and care to create age-appropriate fitness programs tailored to your wants and needs. Hey, you might find you have more time than you did when your kids were young. Whatever your reason, your health is certainly on trend.

This is a great program for older adults wanting to get started on their fitness: P90

8. Functional Fitness

It’s okay if you’re not training for a 5K, competing in a bodybuilding competition, or gearing up for a certification. If you’re working out to make daily life a little easier, the trends are bending in your favor. Workouts that involve light strength training and focus on flexibility translated to improved balance and greater ease in daily life.

A fabulous all-around program to try is P90X3 - only 30 minutes a day!

9. Group Personal Training

Think you can’t afford a personal trainer? Well guess what; they know you can’t, too. That’s why more and more trainers are offering their services in a group setting—anywhere from two or three people to a full class size. The benefits are easy to get behind: you get a more personal experience for a cheaper rate, plus workout buddies to push you and keep you accountable.

10. Yoga

Yoga is making a comeback—it hasn’t been seen on this list since 2009! Based on ancient tradition, yoga involves series of postures and poses to relax and center your mind while building strength and flexibility. Yoga can help heal all sorts of ailments from back pain to hot flashes. And with the increasing availability of at-home DVD programs and affordable classes, this could be your year to hit the mat and see what all the fuss is about.

Love yoga: Give PiYo a try

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February - The Month of Love Photo Challenge

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Want to have some photo fun this month?

Each day during the month of February there will be a different photo theme, so each day you post what's close to your heart in the month of love and #hashtag it #LiveYourDreamsLove 

Start by sharing this picture to your timeline and ask a friend to join! 

The three most ACTIVE social sharers throughout the challenge (#hashtagging and sharing their progress, motivating and encouraging others to join, and working towards results themselves) will be getting some GREAT prizes from Josey Fish Fitness!

Top 3 challenge winners will receive (read qualifications below)

~ A FREE 4 flavor sampler of Shakeology ($20 value)
~ A FREE 30 minute phone consultation with a clinical Nutritionist ($45 value)
~ A FREE Exercise video

To qualify for the top 3 prizes:

• Must be following Sarah's Instagram page: and Facebook Like page:

• Official contest winners will be chosen from pictures posted with the hashtag #LiveYourDreamsLove

NOTE: Although you don’t have to have your pages/profiles set to public, if it is sent to PRIVATE, I will not be able to see your post to track your qualifications.

Everyone is a winner regardless as to if you are working towards the prizes or not! It will be a fun and exciting month and you will learn some new exercises and tips and will meet some new friends working towards the same goals along the way!

More about the Live Your Dreams Team:

We are a team of Beachbody coaches joining forces for the month of February in what is called the Team Beachbody Cup. 

We have chosen to use the next 28 days to bring awareness to the overwhelming trend of couch potatoes and processed foods and we are going to help get you motivated to make sure you aren't one of them!

Our goal in life is to be Your Partner in Health, to help you achieve your health and fitness goals in a real, natural, and sustainable way (no tricks, gimmicks or shortcuts here, sorry, only hard work, honesty, and real results!) so you can Live Your Dreams.

We are competing against hundreds of other teams and there are MAJOR prizes at stake for us should we win! 

So your participation is sooo overwhelmingly important to us and we look forward to getting to know you. 

We will be offering FREE wellness evaluations, fit tests, clean eating challenge groups, flat belly tips, and TONS more so make sure you keep tabs on us will we FIGHT TO END THE TREND OF OBESITY!! 

Comment if you are going to join forces with us!
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February Herb of the Month

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Interested in learning more about herbs?

Check out this month's herbal materia medica post by our apothecary intern

Oat Materia Medica

Also, be sure to read this month's newsletter from Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary.

If you don't already get the newsletter you can sign up here:
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A note from me

I recieve a small commision for the purchase of items from links in this blog, though the cost will remain the same to you no matter where you buy them from. If you do choose to buy the products, I sure do appreciate it if you buy them from me! You can be sure you're doing that by coming back to my page and using my links to take you to the website for purchasing. I have personally used each of these products and only recommend those that I believe in and find to be in alignment with my values and goals. Thank you for supporting me by purchasing through my links! If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with me