7 Day Paleo Challenge

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I get a lot of people asking me about Paleo these days.

Lots of people out there swear it's the perfect diet, but being vegan/vegetarian was also supposed to be the perfect diet, and Mediterranean, and ...and ... on and on.

Why are there so many 'diet's out there that are supposed to be the Perfect Diet for everyone on the planet?

Maybe because there are so many different types of people that there will invariable be many different types of diets that work for them.

I have pretty extensive experience with different types of diets, I would be a pretty poor person to take advice from if I hadn't tried out everything that I'm talking about.

I began my own health journey by experimenting with what I ate to find out what would make me feel better, and it ended up with me becoming an herbalist and a nutritionist and devoting my self to helping others find out what makes them feel the most healthy and happy, so you can know that at the end of the day, I've probably done it already and can tell you about my experience with it and talk about whether or not it may be right for you.

Over-all I'm just not a fan of labeling your diet to have it fit into any specific category, mostly because all the 'principles' of that particular diet may not suit you and your needs for food and nutrition.

People are all very individual and so their diets should be too. When it comes right down to it, you can start with any 'diet' that you want to start with, but don't follow it to the point of being extreme, especially if you find it isn't right for you.

Start somewhere, give it a try, and then tweak it until you find what makes you feel the most awesome, then you have your perfect diet.

If you start with being vegan and feel great for a while, but then later start to not feel so great, it's not because you failed, it's because your body isn't getting something it needs and it's letting you know that. So don't beat yourself up about it, just try something else and see how that makes you feel.

You owe it to yourself to try something you've never tried before if it offers you the opportunity to feel your best every single day.

Back to Paleo...

When people ask me about what I eat, I often reply that I'm Paleo-ish. 

I say this because a lot of the foods that I found do and don't work for me fall under the principles of the Paleo diet, but I also eat things that technically aren't Paleo, and there are some foods that are considered The Gold Standard in the Paleo world that I can't touch with a ten-foot pole...so I'm not strict Paleo because it wouldn't make me feel the best I can feel.

See how the individuality things comes in here?

So why do I choose to say Paleo-ish?

The biggest reason is because at this point, I think that Paleo has become more synonymous with the ideas of eating a whole foods, omnivorous diet, free of processed foods with artificial flavorings or additives, and generally just free of crap in general. It also focuses a lot of food quality and variety, which is really important to think about, especially when it comes to consuming animal products.

My goal here is not to convince you to go Paleo, but I do want to convince you to give it a try, for AT LEAST 7 days (21 is better), just to see how you feel.

Then, if you want more advice about the next step to take, get in touch with me, and we can work together to create YOUR Perfect Diet.


The 7 Day Paleo Challenge

I've put together a meal plan with recipes and a shopping list for you to use for the next 7 days. This way, you don't have to think about it, you don't have to have the principles memorized, you can just eat form the meal plan and know that you're going Paleo for a week.

(all links are clickable and will take you to the recipe)

The Shopping List:

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