How to stay consistent with your diet, exercise, and lifestyle routine

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This is the motherlode of all problems. According to research, roughly 65% of women (and likely a lot more) struggle with staying consistent.

And it’s not like they’re complete exercise beginners. 

Here’s what most people have tried before getting results with the system I use:
  • Weight Watchers
  • MyFitnessPal and other calorie counters
  • Jenny Craig and Curves
  • Crossfit and other group workouts
  • Popular diets like paleo, juice fasts, cleanses, and low-carb
  • Workout books and magazine articles

Of course, these aren’t “bad” options. They end up working for some people. But eventually most of these methods and tools begin to break down and fail over time.

Why is that?

It’s because they’re surface solutions. They help solve a surface-level problem.

Don’t have a place to exercise? Now you do.
Want to track how many calories you eat? Here’s an app to download.
What to know the “best” foods to eat? Read this article.

The only problem with surface-level solutions? They only work for a little while.

They don’t account for the ups and downs of everyday life. They don’t adapt to your life. And because of that, they don’t help you stay consistent.
What most women do when they fail to be consistent.
Pick another surface solution to follow.

What you can do to be successful:
Make yourself accountable to a program.
Make yourself accountable to a person.

Make yourself accountable to a program.

Ideally, you want a program that covers a few bases:
  • It’s been tested with lots of people (so you know it actually works).
  • It’s customizable to your lifestyle (so you can stay consistent and do it even when you’re busy).
  • It’s something you actually enjoy doing (who’s going to exercise if it’s not fun?).
  • There’s something big and positive to shoot for (a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow).

The first three are incredibly important; they’re the cornerstone of a solid exercise and nutrition program. But the fourth one—having something big and positive to shoot for—is often overlooked.

In fact, most programs do the opposite: they make you feel guilty and bad for “slacking” or for not being a paragon of health and fitness. But we don’t need any more negativity in our lives, and I'm sure you don’t either.

That’s why Team BeachBody gives away $100,000 every year. It’s just something extra to push for, something to look forward to.

So how do you know if a certain program will help keep you accountable?

After working with a company with 15+ years in the fitness industry, they've determined the following four things are of the utmost importance:
  1. You need a way to measure your progress and track it on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
  2. You need to follow a structured plan, but still have room to move at your own speed when needed.
  3. You need a daily reminder to practice whichever nutrition, exercise, or lifestyle habit you’re currently working on.
  4. You need it to be customizable to your skill levels, goals, and how much time you have available.

That’s what helped these people achieve results like this:

Make yourself accountable to a person.

This tip isn’t for everyone but it can often make the difference between consistently getting great results or succumbing to the pressures of work, family, and social stress.

Personal accountability is more important than personal motivation for one simple reason: no one always feels motivated to go make healthy eating choices.
But if we’re accountable to another person, we’ll actually follow through with the healthy eating and exercise choices we need to look and feel great. And we’ll do it over and over again even when the going gets tough. (And the going always gets tough at some point.)

That’s why the people who’ve had the most success in changing their bodies made themselves accountable to another person.

It could be a friend or workout partner. It could be your spouse. It could be a local personal trainer or fitness expert. Or if you want to join one of my challenges I'd love to help you too.

The important thing is that you make yourself accountable to somebody and get the help you need. You have a lot on your plate already; why not let someone else show you the way?

What to do next

Have a complicated relationship with food? Then it’s time to “break the chain:” discover where the urge to overeat is coming from, feel the negative emotion fully, and let it go. It takes practice but it can be done. And the results can be life-changing.

Struggling to stay consistent? So are lots of other people. Ditch the surface solutions and make yourself accountable to a proven program. And if you want to give yourself the opportunity to have the most success, make yourself accountable to a person, too.

Take the first step. Then let me take over.

For most people, getting started is the hardest thing. Figuring out what to do first. Overcoming inertia. Taking that first step into the unknown.

I know that all too well. I've helped many people move from “all or nothing” to “always something.”

But the first step always begins with you. If you’re ready to look, feel, and live better, I'm here to help.

Email me -->

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