Are nuts healthy?

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Do you eat nuts?

Most people do, (unless you're allergic to them) I do for sure, but I have to admit that I have a really hard time controlling myself when it comes to nuts...they are sooo tasty that I can't have just one (bag!)

We I first did the 21 Day Fix, the program that helped me make a made a HUGE shift in my fat-loss efforts, the amount of nuts in a serving was a revelation to me.

What I found was that as I had cut carbs to pretty low levels in my diet over the past few years, I was substituting in fats to make up for the calories.

Now I'm not fat-phobic by any means (you need dietary fat in order to be healthy as well), but fat has more calories per volume (9 calories/g for fats vs. 4 calories/g for carbs), and not even close to as much fiber. 

Because of the lower amount of fiber and the smaller volume, they (the nuts) were not filling me up as much as eating more carbs would have, and as a result I was also consuming more of them than I would have if I was eating sweet potatoes or rice in order to feel full and satisfied...resulting in way more calories than I needed on a daily basis.

When I started following the simple guidelines that the 21 Day Fix layed out, I added in more carbs and cut back on the nuts and I lost weight.

Most people would think that adding in carbs would cause weight gain, but it's not always the case. What it really comes down to is paying attention to what you're eating and following a system that makes it easy for you to do that.

Oh, and having a health coach who's also a nutritionist to ask questions of and help you tweak the plan to suit your needs is helpful too ;)

Check out this comprehensive article about why cutting down on nuts may be a good idea, not just for your waist-line but also your health-line (if there is such a thing

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