Healthy Sweet Potato Fries

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I am often asked “how can I prepare the foods that I love at home, and still get great flavor”?

I am just like anyone else when it comes to enjoying my favorite foods… I don’t want to have to give them up, so I made them better! Not just better for me but better tasting too!
I have spent the past few years exploring ways to make recipes healthier while still getting lots of flavor and less of the stuff that our bodies don’t need (like sugar and unhealthy fats). Many times it’s as simple as swapping out some oil or fat for a healthier version (like olive oil or pasture raised lard), replacing one item for another and adding flavor through herbs and seasonings. 

 The other “biggie” is portion control….eat a serving size. Just because something is good (or better for you) than what you are swapping out, is not an excuse to over-indulge. By the way…this means condiments too! There are lots of hidden calories and sugar so pay attention when dipping!

For example, below… the sweet potato fries are baked and NOT fried and contain far less oil than normal. Sweet potato fries are nearly impossible to get crispy, (fried or baked) so you don’t need the oil anyway! Plus you are getting REAL potatoes (not potato starch and other additives) as well as lots of beta carotene, vitamin B6, C, potassium and fiber!

Baked Sweet Potato Fries (Serves 4)

  • Pre-heat oven to 425°
  • Spray a baking sheet with non-stick spray or line with parchment paper to keep from sticking
  • 2 Medium sweet potatoes (washed, peeled and sliced in thin strips) cut uniformly so they finish cooking at the same time.
  • 2 Teaspoons vegetable or olive oil Toss potatoes and oil in a bowl to coat Spread in a single layer on baking sheet
  • Season lightly with salt or favorite seasoning mix

Need some help with your portion sizes? Check out the 21 Day Fix, my favorite all-in-one lifestyle program that will teach you all about healthy portion sizes, exercise, and more!

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