How to Stay Fit and Healthy: What’s Your Mission?

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People often get overwhelmed when thinking about “How to Stay Fit and Healthy”. Staying Fit and Healthy really doesn’t have to be a big process. It is the little things that you can choose to do each day that add up to being fit and healthy. 
There are many elements to a healthy lifestyle and choosing to make several small health-conscious changes can make all the difference. Use these tips as a guide to help you start your journey to getting on or staying on the path of being Fit and Healthy.
  1. Kick Your Bad Habits!
Start with just a few and work your way up. You know what bad habits are, and you know that you are choosing to do them. Put your health first! Make a list of all things in your life that you know to be unhealthy (i.e. smoking, drugs, drinking, high fat foods, high sugar foods, and more). Categorize the worse ones in a category of “Quit” and the others in the category of “Can have in moderation”. If you want to Stay Fit and Healthy you need to create your lists. Things on the moderation list are doable, as long as the majority (85-90%) of your choices are mindful and healthful. If you need help with making mindful healthy choices, get in touch with me so that can I help you stay on track and stay motivated with the changes you are making.
  1. Sleep
Sleep tremendously affects physical, emotional, and mental health. Many of us do not get enough. You really need a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep adversely affects metabolism, mood, concentration, memory, motor skills, stress hormones, the immune system and cardiovascular system and health. Sleep allows the body to heal, repair and rejuvenate itself in a way it simply cannot when a person is awake.
  1. Exercise
Movement and exercise is an important part of being and staying fit and healthy. We are meant to move and be active. Cardiovascular exercise helps to strengthen the heart and lungs. Strength/Resistance training helps to strengthen the muscles. Balance and Flexibility and Stretching helps aid in body mobility, recovery, and reduces the risk of injury. Exercise also improves circulation, body awareness, and can help in combating depression, as well as other diseases. Beachbody offers many amazing exercise programs that incorporate strength, cardiovascular, and stretching. These programs are set up to progress your fitness in a safe manner, and you can do them from the comfort of your home.
  1. Eat Healthfully
Making fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains the main part of your overall diet can really help you Stay Fit and Healthy. You may also include lean sources of protein such as poultry, fish, tempeh, and beans. Eating balanced and portioned meals is what helps you balance a Fit and Healthy life. 
It is also good to stop eating before you feel very full. Give yourself a chance to digest your food and take in the nutrients. A healthy breakfast is needed to start your day off right. It sets you up and gives you the energy and fuel for optimal mental and physical performance. Eating breakfast will help you maintain blood sugar levels, healthy weight and you will be less likely to overindulge later in the day. When thinking about snacks, you want to eat whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts or a total nutrition shake like Shakeology. Avoid highly processed foods that contain artificial sweeteners or colors, hidden sugars or excessive fat.
  1. Drink Water
The majority of our bodies are made of water. Most fresh fruits and vegetables contain water that will help to keep our bodies hydrated, but fresh, clean, plain water is still the best and healthiest beverage for maintaining a healthy hydrated body. It is the most natural cleanser for our organs and digestive system. Being hydrated is crucial for proper brain function, proper physical function, as well as for helping to flush toxins out through the skin (perspiration) and urine.
  1. Reduce Stress
Stress can cause a myriad of problems, from heart trouble to digestive problems. Many people do not know how to manage their stress. The best forms of managing stress is regular exercisehealthy nutrition, meditation, doing things you enjoy, appropriate boundaries, spirituality, and being in nature. All of these things can help alleviate the harmful effects of stress on the body. It is also important to take breaks (vacations, mini-vacations, days off), and surround yourself with people who support you.
  1. Express Yourself
It is not healthy to keep emotions bottled up inside. This can lead to mental and emotional stress, as well as physical symptoms. Unexpressed feelings and emotions have been known to be a cause to depression, sleep problems, eating disorders, and even physical pain. Learn to talk about your feelings and emotions, or express them through some sort of art. Another good tool is writing down thoughts and feelings. This is a good way to express things you may find hard to say.
  1. Consistency and Moderation
In order to maintain a Fit and Healthy lifestyle, it is important to have consistency. Consistency will lead to the big picture results you want to obtain. Again, remember to make changes one at a time. Don’t make too many changes at once or you will risk relapsing into old habits. Making these choices and having them be a part of your daily life will help you to reach your health goals.
Now you know How to Stay Healthy and Fit. Implement these few suggestions and you will be on the road to success!
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