Change is Afoot

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Did you ever stop to think about the fact that the only thing that ever stays the same is that everything always changes

Never be afraid of change, learn how to embrace it, and in fact learn how to consciously seek it out.
If you keep intentionally working to change and improve yourself your life will only get better

Today I'm getting ready to start a brand new customized exercise and nutrition plan created just for me with the specific goal of changing my physique...not something I focus on as much with my clients

As a nutritionist who coaches people on what they eat, I know how to achieve health, and I've already come pretty far with my health and weight loss journey by doing things on my own, but even a coach needs a coach! I'm excited to shake things up and see what's possible!

I actually have to journal daily for my coach so I figured I would also post my daily thought's here! This is a blog after all...


Holy moly was today intense! I got back from vacation last night to a house mostly empty of food, so I couldn't follow the meals exactly, but I did download My Fitness Pal and have been keeping track of what I ate and am currently spot on for my macros with one meal left. (Hurray me!)

The workout today was great, though I'm not used to running and I could tell all day long that my body was burning fat (at least it feels like it). Doing a fasted cardio and then weight training also feels a bit backwards to me...I'd rather started with the weight portion then end with a cardio session so I"ll try that next time and see how it goes.

This is more carbs than I typically eat but I like it a lot...I know snacking on fatty foods like nuts is my weakness.

I did add coconut milk to my wasn't part of the plan but I really missed it when I tried the coffee black so I calculated it in to my meals and ate less nuts at my snack...which I substituted in for Brazil nuts and fish oil anyways since I eat those daily for specific nutrient reasons.

I also use a vitamin C and a Magnesium supplement that both have carbs in them so I'll need to be mindful of that and add those in to my counts as well.

My fitness pal is awesome because it has so many foods! And the barcode scanner is the best invention ever (kind of like Shazam...favorite app in the world)
I have a small kitchen scale and it's been fun today to weigh and track all my foods precisely and have it work out well.

I have some grocery shopping and meal prep to do still this evening, which is a bit daunting to think about since I'm playing catch up with work from my vacation, so that's a bit overwhelming, but I'm super excited to get going with the plan and didn't want to wait until things were 'perfect' to start.

I can't wait to see how this all goes!
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