21 Day Fix vs. Chalean Extreme

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This is a great detailed video that outlines the differences between the 21 Day Fix and ChaLEAN Extreme programs.

She goes over both programs in-depth so you can really decide which one is right for you....she even tells you how long each workout is!

The 21 Day Fix and Chalean Extreme fitness and nutrition programs are both high quality programs that will provide you with guaranteed results.

The choice comes down to what fits your personal goals, needs, and ability to adhere to a 21 day program versus a 90 day program.

Personally I’ve been a huge fan of the 21 Day Fix, and I’ve had many of my friends have tremendous success with it.

I love that this is more of a high octane program that will get a person incredible results fast! 

For all the details on the differences between these programs check out this video:

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