I put together this 21-Day Fix Paleo food list to take all the questions out of following this program. You’ll have a ton of energy, feel satisfied and get AMAZING results following the meal plan. I also drink the vegan Shakeology every day–the best meal of my day hands down.

21 Day Fix Food List
Just Say NO!:
- Artificial Sweeteners & Colors
- Sugar
- Dairy
- Cream
- Milk
- Butter
- Ice cream
- Cheese
- Yogurt
- Whey
- Casein
- Lactose
- Legumes
- Grains
- especially gluten grains like wheat, barley, and rye
PROTEIN (RED CONTAINER) focus on buying high quality in this category...stick with organic, grass-fed, pasture raised, hormone free, anti-biotic free, free, range, wild caught, etc.:
- Boneless, skinless, organic, chicken or turkey breast, cooked, diced
- Fish, fresh water, wild caught (catfish, tilapia, trout), cooked, flaked
- Fish, cold water, wild caught (cod, salmon, halibut, tuna), cooked, flaked
- Game: buffalo (bison, ostrich, venison), cooked, diced
- Game: lean ground (≥ 95% lean), cooked, diced
- Organic Eggs, 2 large
- Shellfish (shrimp, crab, lobster), wild caught, cooked
- Red meat, organic, grassfed, cooked, diced
- Lean ground red meat Organic, and grassfed (≥ 95% lean), cooked
- Shakeology, 1 scoop (I know that there are ingredients in Shakeology that are not 100% Paleo but the benefits of it FAR outweigh any negative consequences these ingredients have in large quantities).
- Pork tenderloin, diced, cooked
- Tuna, canned light in water, drained
VEGGIES! (GREEN CONTAINER) Buy seasonal and organic when possible!!:
- Kale, cooked or raw
- Collard greens, cooked or raw
- Spinach, cooked or raw
- Brussels sprouts, chopped or 5 medium
- Broccoli, chopped
- Asparagus, 10 large spears
- Beets, 2 medium
- Tomatoes, chopped, cherry, or 2 medium
- Squash (summer), sliced
- Winter squash (all varieties), cubed
- Peppers, sweet, sliced
- Carrots, sliced or 10 medium baby
- Cauliflower, chopped
- Artichokes, 1⁄2 large
- Eggplant, 1⁄2 medium
- Okra
- Jicama, sliced
- Snow peas
- Cabbage, chopped
- Cucumbers
- Celery
- Lettuce (NOT iceberg)
- Mushrooms
- Radishes
- Onions, chopped
- Sprouts
- Sweet Potato/yams
- Plantains
Paleo-ish foods that work for some people:
- Oats
- Wild rice
- Brown Rice
- White rice
- Quinoa
- Buckwheat
FRUIT (PURPLE CONTAINER) Buy seasonal and organic when possible!:
- Raspberries
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Strawberries
- Watermelon, diced
- Cantaloupe, diced
- Orange, divided into sections or 1 medium
- Tangerine, 2 small
- Apple, sliced or 1 small
- Apricots, 4 small
- Grapefruit, divided into sections or 1⁄2 large
- Cherries
- Grapes
- Kiwifruit, 2 medium
- Mango, sliced
- Peach, sliced or 1 large
- Nectarine, sliced or 1 large
- Pear, sliced or 1 large
- Pineapple, diced
- Banana, 1⁄2 large
- Papaya, diced
- Figs, 2 small
- Honeydew melon, diced
- Salsa, pico de gallo
- Avocado, mashed or 1⁄4 medium
- 12 almonds, whole, raw
- 8 cashews, whole, raw
- 20 pistachios, whole, raw
- 10 pecan halves, raw
- 8 walnut halves, raw
- Coconut milk, canned
- Olives, 10 medium
- Coconut, unsweetened, shredded
- Homemade dressings
- Extra-virgin olive oil
- Extra-virgin coconut oil
- Bacon grease
- Nut butters (almond, cashew, etc.)
Here's a cool chart I made that you can download and keep on your fridge to help you remember!
I understand that cost is a factor when it comes to buying higher quality food and produce, so always opt for the higher quality animal products (meat, fish, eggs, etc.). Buying organic produce is also important, but you can wash the your produce, you can't wash your meat.
Be sure to check out the Environmental Working Group's Clean 15 and Dirty 12 lists to help you decide which produce is more important to buy organic than others.
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