Today I want to talk to those of you who have been struggling with food and weight for longer than you care to admit…
I know some of you worry you’ll never get “there” with food and weight — the place where you’ll finally feel comfortable in your skin, and free of all the “food noise.”
Maybe you always “do well” for a while until something manages to throw you off course…and into a jar of peanut butter at 3 o’clock in the morning.
Maybe you know you’re eating emotionally, but just can’t seem to stop…
Maybe body shame triggers you into the same old restrictive patterns that always seem to backfire (and usually backfire into a bag of M&M’s…)
I know it can feel like a lot — and it can be downright crazy-making!
At some point, the diet-binge cycle and constant food noise, becomes so intrusive, that the only thing we want more than weight loss, is getting our sanity back.
I know some of you worry you’ll never get “there” with food and weight — the place where you’ll finally feel comfortable in your skin, and free of all the “food noise.”
Maybe you always “do well” for a while until something manages to throw you off course…and into a jar of peanut butter at 3 o’clock in the morning.
Maybe you know you’re eating emotionally, but just can’t seem to stop…
Maybe body shame triggers you into the same old restrictive patterns that always seem to backfire (and usually backfire into a bag of M&M’s…)
I know it can feel like a lot — and it can be downright crazy-making!
At some point, the diet-binge cycle and constant food noise, becomes so intrusive, that the only thing we want more than weight loss, is getting our sanity back.
That’s why I’m so grateful for coaches like Isabel Foxen Duke, founder of Stop Fighting Food — the ultimate resource on “ending the crazy” around food and one of the most unique and talented emotional eating coaches I know.
Isabel’s running a free video training series this month that I’m SUPER pumped about. This training shares some of her most critical insights on emotional eating, binge-eating, diet-binge cycling, and “generally feeling crazy around food.”
Isabel won’t only address your emotional eating patterns — she’ll help you end all the crazy-making food and body thoughts that instigate those patterns to begin with. Ya know, so food stops tempting, taunting and tantalizing you…and starts just being food.
Knowing Isabel’s work myself, I can attest that this chick knows what she’s talking about and produces serious results in the emotional eating world — if these are issues you struggle with, I highly recommend that you take a look and sign up for this free video training series.
What's it all about?
The Stop Fighting Food Free Video Training Series will teach you the skills you need to “stop feeling crazy around food.” For most women (and men as well!), this means ending the diet-binge cycle, addressing their emotional eating patterns, and putting a stop to the obsessive thought patterns that are so often triggered by compulsive dieting and food restriction.
This program addresses the thinking that underlies compulsive eating and obsession with food.
The Stop Fighting Food Free Video Training Series is a three-part video series covering the principles of Isabel's work:
(Available September 15th) discusses why emotional eating and binge-eating are not issues of willpower, but are reactions to diet-mentality and specific beliefs and thought patterns we hold about food. (i.e. why using willpower to try to control yourself around food often backfires).
(Available September 20th) discusses the two primary reasons people eat outside of physical need — specifically eating we do to soothe our feelings (emotional eating) and eating we do in reaction to restriction or shame (binge-eating).
(Available September 24th) discusses the importance of healing our body image in healing our relationship with food, and why body image woes are so often the root of compulsive food behaviors.
If any of the information that will be shared in these free videos sounds like something you (or someone you know) could benefit from, then be sure to sign up to get access to them.
Who is this program for?
This program is for those who feel depleted and frustrated by countless weight loss attempts; and generally feel trapped in the diet-binge-cycle-from-hell. Most of them identify as “emotional eaters” and feel out of control in their behaviors around food — like every emotional whim might send them straight into a jar of Nutella. They often believe there’s something “wrong with them” that they can’t eat like “normal people.” Thoughts of food, dieting, and weight consume much of their lives, and they struggle tremendously with poor body image.
What problems will these videos address?
“Feeling crazy around food” i.e. obsessive thinking about food, dieting, “health,” etc. on a regular basisEmotional Eating i.e. compulsive feelings around food, feeling out of control around food, using food as a coping mechanism, etc..
Binge-eating i.e. periods of eating large quantities of food, generally after a period of “being good”with food, or restricting food in some capacity.
Poor body image or low self-esteem related to body size and/or food behaviors.
Who is this program NOT for?
This program does NOT provide treatment for people who are clinically eating disordered (i.e. at physical risk to themselves). If you feel you may fall in to this category, you can absolutely sign up for the free videos, but we strongly recommend you also seek medical attention from a licensed therapist and/or physician.
This is NOT a weight loss program. The goal is to help people achieve a healthful and sane emotional relationship with food first and foremost.
Does any of the above sound like you? If it does then sign up for the free video series and get started on working towards a better relationship with food.
If it doesn't, then great!! This may not be the thing for you, but perhaps you know someone who you think could benefit, and if that's the case, be sure to send this email on to them.
Your mindset around food is crucial to your health.
I see this issue a lot with clients that I work with on weight loss issues, sometimes it comes down to a matter of how you think about food and your body image.
And while I'm very well trained in the nutrition side of things, the what to eat, why to eat it, how it affects your health and well being, addressing the emotional side of things get's a bit trickier, so I refer to other experts, like Isabel.
By now you've probably gotten a good sense of what this program is all about, so if you even have the slightest feeling that this information in these videos could be of some benefit for you, then sign up for them, they are free after all.
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