Exercise for Depression and Anxiety

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Depression and anxiety symptoms often improve with exercise. When you have anxiety or depression, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do, but once you get motivated, exercise can make a big difference. So, how do you Exercise for Depression and Anxiety?
First you need to have a greater understanding on how exercise can make a difference in depression and anxiety symptoms. The links between anxiety, depression and exercise are not entirely clear, but working out and other forms of physical activity have shown that it can definitely ease symptoms of anxiety or depression and make you feel better. Exercise has also been shown to help keep anxiety and depression from coming back once you are feeling better and symptoms have subsided.

How does exercise help depression and anxiety?

Regular exercise for depression and anxiety may help ease symptoms in a number of ways, which may include:
  • Releasing feel-good brain chemicals that may ease depression (neurotransmitters, endorphins and endocannabinoids)
  • Reducing immune system chemicals that can worsen depression
  • Increasing body temperature, which may have calming effects
Regular exercise has many other psychological and emotional benefits, as well. It can help you:
  • Gain confidence. Meeting exercise goals or challenges, even small ones, can boost your self-confidence. Getting in shape can also make you feel better about your appearance.
  • Take your mind off worries. Exercise is a distraction that can get you away from the cycle of negative thoughts that feed anxiety and depression.
  • Cope in a healthy way. Doing something positive to manage anxiety or depression is a healthy coping strategy. Trying to feel better by drinking alcohol, dwelling on how badly you feel, or hoping anxiety or depression will go away on its own can lead to worsening symptoms.
Now that you have an understanding of how it can help, what can you do to Exercise for Depression and Anxiety? Research has shown that physical activity such as regular walking, gardening or other forms of physical activity may help improve mood. Keep in mind that Physical activity and exercise are not the same thing, but both are beneficial to your health. The same research has shown that those who used exercise that incorporated progressive resistance training, and cardiovascular training showed a greater improvement and maintenance of depression and anxiety.

With that said, many people don’t seek out exercise because they don’t want to go to a gym or fitness facility due to their depression and anxiety. So what is the answer?

The answer is to utilize at-home fitness and exercise programs such as Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix, P90X, TurboFire, Insanity, and others that provide resistance and cardiovascular training in a planned and structured format. This progressive exercise combined with a structured plan, and where you don’t have to leave your home is great way to create that improvement or maintain that Exercise for Depression and Anxiety can bring to a person.
One of the other things that many people don’t have with going to the gym to exercise for depression and anxiety is support. With a Beachbody Club Membership, each person gets a FREE Coach to support him or her. This can be a great benefit to those who have to exercise for depression and anxiety. If you start with a Beachbody Premium Membership, you’re first 30 days is FREE, and it gives you access to Beachbody On-Demand, an amazing meal planner, and much more! After your free trial ends, you’ll continue to stream world-class programs, such as P90X®, P90X2®, P90X3®, INSANITY®, and more from our massive Beachbody Member Library.
So take advantage of exercise to provide benefits to your overall health, and to improve or manage depression and anxiety.

(originally published on http://www.gettingfittogether.com/exercise-for-depression-and-anxiety/#!328)
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3 tips to Stay Committed to Your Fitness Goals

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Have you heard the one about the chicken and pig who want to make a bacon-and-egg sandwich for the farmer they liked so much? The chicken says, “I could provide some eggs.” The pig replies, “That’s fine, but while you’re making a contribution, I’m making a real commitment!”

The same adage holds true to anyone trying to get in (and stay in) shape. If you simply get involved in your nutrition and fitness plan, and contribute some time and effort toward living healthy, you will most likely achieve some results. You may feel stronger, more confident, and pleased with your progress. However, these feelings won’t compare to the satisfaction you’ll experience if you are 100% committed to each training session and meal.

Committing wholeheartedly to your health is not easy. There will be times when you’ll experience temporary physical, psychological, or emotional discomfort. You may feel torn between ordering that 350-calorie blended coffee drink or unsweetened peppermint tea. You may be hesitant to attempt more pull-ups today than you did last week for fear of failing. 

We all struggle to eat healthy when you have a late night craving (trust me, I’ve been there). In these moments of weakness, it’s only natural to want to waver on your commitment to the goals you set. But committing to your plan makes it possible to admire yourself both inside and out. You’ll stand more confidently. You’ll feel sexier. You’ll discover your true sense of well-being, purpose, and personal worth. You’ll feel grounded, energized, and intact. You’ll simply be happier in mind, body, and spirit.

Here are three ways to help you stay committed to achieving your goals that can help you stay strong when you’re struggling:

1. Post your goals where you'll see them everyday.

Posting your short-term daily goals in a place where you automatically see them each day will help you to stay focused, motivated, and committed to staying on task. Your bathroom mirror is a good place because you’ll see your goals first thing in the morning and right before you go to sleep at night. For greater results, also post your primary purpose for setting your goals, your Why (e.g., wanting to have more energy to play with your kids, to go on an adventure trip, to live longer, to feel more confident, etc.)

2. Prepare daily for “what-ifs.”

Before your day begins, ask yourself if there are any challenges that may interfere with your daily goals. For example, what if you get called in to a last-minute lunch meeting? What if your child asks you to play during the time you blocked off for training? What if you’re going out to celebrate a friend’s birthday? For each what-if make a plan to cope with the challenge while still staying committed to your fitness and nutrition. Of course, there are plenty of uncontrollable distractions, but strategizing on how to cope with your most common challenges will set you up to deal with anything that happens during you day.

3. Journal your daily effort.

There is no doubt that tracking your nutrition and fitness improves your chances of achieving your goals. But I recommend also keeping a diary in which you answer the following question each day: Did I exert every ounce of effort to achieving my goals today? If your answer is yes, great! If your answer is no, write down one thing you can do tomorrow to be better than you were today.

Having someone who keeps you accountable for your goals can be helpful too, a health coach, a mentor, a friend, anyone who is going to check n on you and make sure you're sticking to your goals can greatly improve the likelihood that you'll succeed.

When you follow these three tips, your level of commitment for fitness and nutrition will skyrocket, giving you the best shot at achieving your goals and feeling ultimate satisfaction. Better yet, when these three tips become part of your daily ritual, not only will you achieve your goals, but get results that will last!

What are your tips and tricks to staying committed to reaching your goals?

Need some support reaching your health goals? Then get in touch with me!

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Are Carbohydrates bad for you?

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Are Carbohydrates Bad? They make you fat right? Come on it must be true, you read articles about it all the time. So they must make you fat…right?

Here is the truth. Carbohydrates are very important. In fact, carbohydrates (especially the right kind) are essential to your body. They aid in muscle growth, provide energy, are a good source of fiber, as well as providing your body many other benefits. So, Are Carbohydrates Bad? The answer is NO!

Now let’s be real. Lumping all carbs together into one category is like saying all quarterbacks who play in the NFL will be just like Joe Montana. It would be absurd to call all carbs bad when vegetables and fruits are also carbohydrates. With that said, I would have a hard time believing that you would think that a nutrition plan attempting to completely purge carbohydrates would be a good idea. I have a feeling you are a pretty smart cookie, so to suggest that all carbs are evil, is just plain nonsense.

Are Carbohydrates Bad? 

Will bread and grains make you fat? NO! Blanket statements just don’t work. The “don’t eat carbs” or “Carbohydrates are Bad” statements are just that, Blanket Statements. Statements like these just confuse the general public. The reason people get confused, is that most don’t have a nutrition background or truly understand what qualifies as a carbohydrate. 95% of us look at food as simply that, FOOD. All blanket statements have done is cause people to adjust their diets in a way that keeps their bodies from functioning properly. This is why many people have been going out of their way to avoid certain foods, like bread, rice or potatoes. When in fact, these foods can have a place in a balanced nutrition plan and can play a role in helping you lose weight or gain lean muscle.

Now you know that carbs as a whole are not bad, BUT there are certain types of carbs that are not good for your body. These types of carbs are the processed kind, the kind that will make you feel tired and ultimately drain you of energy. These types of carbs contain processed sugars, corn syrup, or are white flour based foods. They are your cookies, and cakes, and pastries, and processed cereals, and other dense carbohydrate sources that are not in their original and whole form. If you cannot grow it, or it doesn’t come from minimally processed whole grains, it is not good. Yep, simple as that.

It comes down to the food manufactures that like to confuse people. If they can get the general public to buy into what they are saying about a particular food, macronutrient, or diet, they make money and lots of it.

So back to the question at hand… Are Carbohydrates Bad?
NO, but all of us could gain a better understanding to guide our eating habits. Eating vegetables and fruit, as well as high quality, high fiber grains are an important part of healthy nutrition. If you truly want a balanced healthy nutrition plan that will aid in weight loss or muscle gains you really need to have at least 100 to 200 grams per day depending on your daily level of physical activity and exercise.

The overall message is, you cannot consume bucket-loads of refined low quality carbohydrates and chase them down with and extra-large soda and say, “well they said carbs aren’t bad”. I know you are smarter than the average bear and understand that you need to choose your carbohydrates wisely to have a healthy nutrition plan. It is about eating more good foods such as lean proteins, colorful vegetables, a variety of fruits, high-fiber grains, healthy fats, and cutting out the highly processed garbage such as candy, soda, sugar-loaded foods, poor quality breads, and boatloads of pasta.

Another important factor is choosing the correct portions of the carbs you consume. This can be as important as the kind of carbs you choose to eat. Grain and fruit carbohydrates should be smaller portions than vegetable carbs. If you need assistance with nutrition, portion sizes, and proper balance of carbs, proteins, and fats you may want to check out the 21 Day Fix on Beachbody On Demand. It has an amazing nutrition plan that creates the perfect balance of nutrients and portions. If you struggle with cutting out the crap, you definitely want to take a look at adding a total nutrition shake like Shakeology.

When it’s all said and done, if you are eating healthy and choosing wisely 85-90 percent of the time your body will be happy, you will have energy, and you will lose weight, gain muscle or maintain depending on your goals. You now know the truth to the question “Are Carbohydrates Bad?”
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How often should I eat?

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How Often Should I Eat? 

Let’s face it, since the dawn of man the rule for consumption of food was simply to eat to survive, however our modern society and lifestyle has changed that simple process and we no longer live and eat in a way that follows our body's natural rhythms and needs.

As a result, chronic diseases and obesity rates continue to grow and are expected to affect more than two-thirds of Americans in the next 5-10 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

We are no longer eating just to survive, we are eating because we can.

Through the years we have seen nutrition and diet science, and programs change their opinions about what foods best suit our needs as a society, (just look at how butter and eggs were bad for you and now they're good again...I don't think it's the eggs that changed) and while I have my own opinions on this subject that's not what I want to talk about today. The question that I also get is “How Often Should I Eat?”

The most popular approach to the question of How Often Should I Eat for general health and weight maintenance has been to spread calories throughout the day by consuming 5-6 smaller meals. The concept of doing this method is that you are most likely to feel less hungry at any particular time, and in turn you will not be apt to over indulge or eat in excess.

A study found in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, shows data on this approach. It states that people who were of their ideal weight and able to maintain their weight reported eating more often than individuals who were overweight and obese.

It was assumed that this would speed up the metabolism, help control the hormones insulin and cortisol, and help better manage the appetite. However, a recent review in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition suggests otherwise.

What this means is that as long as you eat the right foods in the right amounts, meal frequency is a matter of personal preference.

You can eat lots of small meals each day (i.e. every few hours). Or you can eat a few big meals each day (i.e. with bigger time gaps between them).

Now, my advice is: Listen to your own body and apply the “how’s that workin’ for ya?” test.

If you’re covering all your bases when it comes to intake of healthy foods, proper macronutrient ratios, and including lots of variety, and your current meal frequency isn’t “workin’ for ya”, try switching it up. Experiment with fewer meals if you eat more frequently. And more meals if you eat less frequently.

There is a lot of talk lately about Intermittent Fasting as well, the concept of keeping your 'eating window' to a specific number of hours in a day. According to a study done by Circadian Biologist Ph.D. Amandine Chaix at the Salk Institute in La Jolla Those fed in the 9-12 hour window were leaner. “It highlights the temporal aspect of feeding more than the calorie content and shows it is important to eat during your active phase which is when your body is tuned to energy expenditure and not energy storage." 

So How Often Should I Eat?

The answer is, it depends. 
Of course this probably isn't the answer you wanted, but life isn't always what you want now is it.

If you are trying to lose weight, you need to create a plan that allows you enough energy to still go about your day and get in a good exercise session, as well as provides your body with all of the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. 

As cheese as it may be to say, if you fail to plan you plan to fail. If you're not happy where you are it's time to do something different.

If you need assistance in implementing a meal plan and exercise regimen that will keep you eating healthily and exercising appropriately, get in touch with me, I can help!
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3 Day Detox Cleanse: A Healthy One

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Quick cleanses have been around for a long time as a way to lose weight fast, but the question is…are they really good and are they healthy?

Kick starting the weight loss process can help you feel better about yourself and where the process is going go. Unfortunately, many so-called cleanses are not that healthy and leave you feeling sluggish, slow, and deprived. Juice fasts and liquid cleanses tax your body. They’re hard on your organs and create a rebound effect when you return to normal eating. In general, the weight lost from these types of cleanses are really just water weight. Sure, it works to get you into a special dress for a party or your skinny jeans for a special date, but you want long-term results that will keep your body healthy and make you look and feel better than ever.

Well you no longer have to feel that way or have those issues when doing a detox cleanse. The 3 Day Refresh is a healthy cleanse that may help flatten your belly and fit into your clothes better while still giving your body the vital nutrients it needs in order to function.

Here’s how it works:

The 3 Day Refresh is simple. You start off your day with a serving of Shakeology and a fruit for breakfast. Shakeology comes in six different flavors, so not only will you be able to find one that you’ll love, there are over 101 recipes that you can create!

Mid-morning you will use the Fiber Sweep Drink. No worries, it is not one of those run to the bathroom drinks. Then for lunch you will enjoy a variety of vegetables, a healthy fat, a fruit and drink the Vanilla Fresh Protein Shake which is packed full of nutrients and protein that your body needs. 

In the afternoon you will have an afternoon snack of vegetables and a choice off the healthy fats list. You will then finish out the day with dinner. Dinner will include a selection from one of the many amazing meal recipes and a second Vanilla Fresh shake. This program is designed to help naturally remove waste and toxins from your body. You feel full, satisfied, and ready to take on your day with more energy and enthusiasm than ever before.

My Red, White & Blue smoothie recipe is PERFECT for the 3-Day Refresh since you can use the Vanilla fresh as a part of it.

Can it be done more than once?

The 3 Day Refresh is a fantastic program that is designed to rid your body of impurities. It’s not designed as a long-term solution, and therefore should not be repeated more than once every three months.

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What Does Your Thyroid do?

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One of the most common questions I get from clients who have been diagnosed with thyroid issues is "What does my thyroid do?"

Maybe you've been diagnosed with Hashimoto's, or told you have an under or over-active thyroid gland, or maybe you just don't feel well and someone mentioned your thyroid to you but you have no idea what it is, well here's some information to help.

What is the Thyroid? 

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits at front of your neck and sets your entire metabolic rate. Thus it controls your weight, whether you feel sluggish or energetic, mentally crisp or foggy, cheerful or blue, and is involved in the control of everything from your cholesterol to your female hormones.
When your thyroid is not functioning optimally, you can feel dull, tired, constipated, gain weight, your skin gets dry, your hair can become dry and even fall out, muscles and joints might ache, your periods become irregular, you might have fertility problems, brain fog, sugar and carb cravings (because your body is desperate for energy!) ), high cholesterol even if your diet is amazing, and other large to small symptoms.

What is Hypothyroidism? 

Hypothyroidism is a term used to describe a decreased metabolic state that is due to inadequate amounts of – or functioning of – thyroid hormone. Ninety-five percent of all cases are due to what is called “primary hypothyroidism.” This means that the thyroid gland is acting sluggish – or sometimes barely responding at all.

This can be due to a number of reasons ranging from leaky gut to autoimmune disease. Alternatively, we can be producing thyroid hormones effectively, but we can have “thyroid hormone resistance” similar to the way we can have insulin resistance. Our cells are not picking up and effectively using the active thyroid hormone we are making. We can also be making enough of the inactive form of thyroid hormone but not be effectively converting it to the active form.

10 Things you need to know about your Thyroid

1 | Having the right amount of thyroid hormone for your individual needs is essential to your well-being. 

With an underactive thyroid, you might experience fatigue, constipation, dry skin, brain fog or trouble concentrating, depression, anxiety, hair loss, depression, joint and muscle aches (even carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis!), generalized swelling, cold intolerance (or you always feel a little cold) dry skin, even an excessively low heart rate. If you have an overactive thyroid, you might experience a rapid heartbeat, anxiety, insomnia, insatiable appetite, diarrhea, and weight loss. If you think you have a thyroid problem, it’s okay to be a squeaky wheel to your doctor. Squeaky wheels get the testing they need!

2 | Women are way more likely than men to develop thyroid problems, 

and the months after birth are an especially high risk time for thyroid problems to surface. If you feel unusually blue in the year after the birth of your baby, or at any time, and especially if you have any of the above symptoms, get tested for thyroid problems!

3 | Your high cholesterol could be caused by an underactive thyroid. 

Say what? Yes, it’s true. Hypothyroidism can lead to high cholesterol because slower metabolism isn’t burning up your fat. So before you go on special diet or a statin drug to control your cholesterol – get your thyroid levels checked. The answer might be in finding the root cause – a thyroid problem!

4 | Most doctors UNDER-DIAGNOSE thyroid problems. 

Thyroid problems may affect as many as 10% of women – but for many of these women, the labs tests that doctors currently use, and the way those tests are interpreted, leads many women to be told that they don’t have a thyroid problem, and in fact, they are just fine. THIS TRANSLATES AS: “This is all in your head because I, with my medical degree, cannot find a darned thing wrong with you, Lady.” And this often results in an antidepressant prescription.

5 | Hypothyroidism can be causing your fertility problems and also increases miscarriage risk. 

Thyroid function controls fertility and menstrual regularity. If you’ve been having trouble getting pregnant, if you have irregular periods, think you are not ovulating, or have had a miscarriage, have your thyroid function checked BEFORE you get pregnant to make sure your levels are optimal.

6 | Optimal thyroid functioning is also essential for the healthy development of your baby’s brain. 

Pregnant women with hypothyroidism automatically need to have their thyroid hormone medication increased by 50% in the first trimester to support the increased metabolic needs of the baby. Make sure to talk with your midwife (who might not know this!), or your primary care doctor or obstetrician who might not remember to adjust your medication dose.

7 | Having a hard time losing weight? 

Tuning up your thyroid gland will rev up your metabolism and burn calories without you having to do anything extra. If you’ve tried diet after diet, exercise program after exercise program without success, it might be time to tap into the root causes – and hypothyroidism might just be one of them.

8 | Thyroid glands need nourishment! 

Make sure your diet and your daily supplements provide you with iodine, selenium, and zinc which are three key nutrients needed by the thyroid gland for basic functioning. Sea vegetables such as 1 tablespoon of dulse flakes daily provides you with a nice dose of iodine, just 1-2 Brazil nuts each day provide you with ample selenium, and zinc is found in beef, oysters, dark meat chicken, cashews, pumpkin seeds, almonds, yogurt, and many other sources.

9 | Fluoride, bromide, and chloride coming from your diet, fluoridated water, toothpaste, or other environmental exposures, can interfere with the iodine your thyroid needs to function. 

If you are having a hard time regulating your thyroid function, even with medications and a supportive doc, look for sources of these in your life and try to reduce/eliminate exposure.

10 | In gluten sensitive individuals, eating FOODS containing gluten (wheat, barley, rye) and possibly even some of the gluten cross-reactive foods can cause Hashimoto’s disease. 

A 3-month trial of going strictly gluten-free might be needed to see if your thyroid antibodies return to normal and your thyroid begins to recover function.

Thyroid problems can be fixed! 

I help women to achieve healthy thyroid function in my practice every day. In most conventional medical practices, you may have to advocate for yourself in the doctor’s office to get the testing you need. A functional medicine, integrative medicine, or naturopathic doctor will usually automatically be willing to test the whole gamut of thyroid tests for you.

You have to be careful not to get over-diagnosed and unnecessarily treated if you don’t actually have a thyroid problem, however if the symptoms and the labs fit – then appropriate treatment can make you feel like a million bucks!

Sometimes thyroid function can be recovered and restored with natural methods using stress reduction, diet, herbs, and supplements. Sometimes medications are needed long-term. But either way, it is important to identify whether you have a thyroid problem so you can get the help you need to feel like yourself again.

If you want to know more, get in touch with me and set up a consultation.

Find out more about me, what I do, and what working with me is like.

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What is the Beachbody Performance System?

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Beachbody Performance is a balanced and complete supplement system of 5 products that combines performance-enhancing ingredients with plant-based nutrients scientifically shown to make a difference in energy, focus, stamina, strength, and recovery. 

Performance makes it possible to hit workouts harder and see results faster.

Check out the nutrition labels for each of the different products:

Energize Hydrate Recover Recharge Creatine

Who should use Beachbody Performance products?

People who like extreme workouts (e.g. P90X, INSANITY, and Body Beast), advanced exercisers or fitness enthusiasts (such as people who run marathons or do triathlons) will love these supplements.

These high quality supplements can aid in pushing past personal limits with better energy and muscle recovery for incredible results. Performance can also be helpful for beginners or those new to fitness, especially if soreness or lack of energy/motivation is an issue. 

The "weekend warrior" is another type pf person who can benefit. These are people who generally only have time to play sports on the weekends when they are not working. They may play basketball, tennis, soccer, or other sports for several hours at a time.

For more information check out the website dedicated to the Performance Line: www.MyBeachbodyPerformance.com

Pretty soon there will be a Product Recommender tool on their so you can figure out which one is right for you!

If you want to get all of the details about the product check out this webinar.

Here's what each of the products does:


Help ignite your energy and sharpen your focus by taking Energize before workouts. It's specially formulated to help you push harder and last longer, because every ounce of extra energy means better results. Key ingredients include beta-alanine, low-dose caffeine from green tea, and plant-based quercetin scientifically shown to delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue, improve performance, and help you push with maximum intensity.


Hydrate your body more effectively than water alone for all-out performance by drinking Hydrate during workouts. Typical sports drinks have too much sugar and artificial ingredients that can actually dehydrate you. And water alone doesn't effectively hydrate or replace what you lose through sweat during workouts. Hydrate is specially formulated to give you an optimal balance of carbohydrates, electrolytes, and water, which quickly replaces what's lost and helps improve your endurance, so you can work out longer and feel better.


Take advantage of the critical post-workout window to help speed recovery and reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness with Recover. Key ingredients include high-quality time-released proteins to support muscle recovery, an optimal ratio of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to help build muscle, just enough carbohydrates to stimulate muscle glycogen recovery, and a powerful ellagitannin-rich pomegranate extract to help improve strength recovery and reduce delayed onset muscle soreness.
Help accelerate recovery, combat exercise-induced muscle soreness, and promote muscle growth when your body is primed to accept it: while you sleep. Recharge is specifically designed to help support your body at night, with key ingredients like micellar casein protein to support overnight muscle recovery and repair while combating breakdown, an optimal ratio of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to help support muscle growth, and a powerful anthocyanin-rich tart cherry powder to help reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness.


Blast through high-intensity exercises and turn your last rep into the second or third to last rep. Creatine can help you push that much harder in every workout, for ultimate performance and quicker results. Creatine monohydrate is the purest, safest, and most effective form in the world--it's scientifically shown to help boost muscle strength and power, improve high-intensity performance, and enhance the effects of resistance training.

Check out the sampler pack if you want to try them all before buying a whole tub!

Performance Stack 2 products: Energize & Recover

Power up your performance and get a jump start on recovery with two crucial formulas--Energize and Recover--with key ingredients to help give you energy, sharpen your focus, improve your performance, and speed recovery.
Save almost $20 vs buying each product separately (including savings on s&h).

Advanced Performance Stack 4 products: Energize, Hydrate, Recover, Recharge

Get that lean, toned body faster than you ever thought possible. This stack includes 4 formulas with key ingredients so you can shatter your personal limits while helping you charge harder, last longer, perform better, and recover sooner.
Save over $45 vs buying each product separately (including savings on s&h).

Ultimate Performance Stack 5 products: Energize, Hydrate, Recover, Recharge, Creatine

Unleash your extreme body breakthrough for epic muscle-building results. The key ingredients in these 5 supplements can help propel your physique to the next level as you train with incredible intensity, strength, endurance, and recovery.
Save over $50 vs buying each product separately (including savings on s&h).

Check out the Guide Book online for FREE

21 Day Fix Creator Autumn Calabrese even did a little video about how these products fit into the container system:

For those that have been wondering how the new Beachbody Performance like fits into the Fix container system. Here is my short answer on it. Hope this helps.
Posted by Autumn Calabrese on Saturday, August 1, 2015

Here are some FAQ's about the product line:

  1. What causes the bright yellow color in Energize and Hydrate? The ingredient quercetin (a natural phytonutrient present in fruits & vegetables) causes the yellow color.
  2. What does the yellow color indicate? Yellow indicates high purity & potency in quercetin; Beachbody uses the highest quality in the industry.
  3. Is the beet sugar in Energize GMO-free? PCR analysis testing by the supplier for the presence of GMO DNA showed no measurable GMO DNA.
  4. Why is Soy Lecithin in Performance Recover? Click HERE for information of Soy Lecithin and Beachbody Performance.
  5. Is the Soy Lecithin in Recover GMO free? PCR analysis testing by the supplier for the presence of GMO DNA showed no measurable GMO DNA.
  6. Is there anything in Recharge that could help with better sleep? Tart Cherry is naturally high in melatonin which may help with sleep. The scientific studies on sleep are on tart cherry juice, however the tart cherry used in Recharge is an extract.
  7. Does Beachbody Performance contain artificial ingredients or flavors? No. There are no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.
  8. Does Beachbody follow strict FDA required Good Manufacturing, What are the practices to prevent possible allergen contamination? Yes. However cross contamination can never be ruled out. See FAQ 5093 for details on manufacturing processes.
  9. Does Beachbody Performance contain heavy metals or lead? Please see FAQ 9071 for more information on Prop 65.
  10. Do the supplements contain caffeine? Energize has a very low dose of caffeine derived from green tea (100mg).
  1. When should Energize be taken? Energize should be taken within 30 minutes of starting exercise.
  2. When should Hydrate be taken? Hydrate should be taken during intense or prolonged exercise.
  3. When should Recover be taken? Recover should be taken within 30 minutes after exercising.
  4. When should Recharge be taken? Recharge should be taken within an hour before going to sleep.
  5. Can other supplements be combined with Beachbody Performance? To ensure safety, consult a physician prior to taking other supplements.
  6. Should Recover or Recharge be mixed with Shakeology? No. For best results, do not mix Recover or Recharge with Shakeology. Instead consider the Boosts
  7. While using Beachbody Performance, when should Shakeology be taken? Take Shakeology at least 30-60 minutes after consuming Recover.
  8. What is the minimun age requirement for the Performance Supplements? Beachbody products are formulated for adults. Consult a physician for any other use.
  1. Are the products safe for pregnant/nursing women? View FAQ 9903 for advice.
  2. Where are additional medical or nutritional concerns answered? View FAQ 9902 for additional medical or nutritional concerns.
  3. While using Performance, can prescribed medications be taken? Please consult a physician for individual medical advice.

~Order here~

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What is the Master's Hammer and Chisel?

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The Master's Hammer and Chisel is the expert workout system that delivers breathtaking, body-changing results in as little as 60 days.

Trainers Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese are sought-after experts at sculpting spectacular physiques, and they have shelves full of competition prizes to prove it!

In the Master's Hammer and Chisel, they share their winning strategies in this breakthrough system of resistance training to shape powerful muscle, shed body fat, and build a ripped, statue-perfect physique.

The program won't be out until December of 2015 (can you say New Year's Resolutions!) so to be kept in the loop about it and be one of the first to get your hands on it, be sure to sign-up for the email newsletter


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What are the Shakeology Boosts

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Shakeology Boosts are add-ons to Shakeology (or any beverage of choice) that allow an individual to customize a shake for their own specific needs.

I've been a fan of Shakeology for a long time. It's one of the few shakes that I've found I like the taste of when it's missed with just water and ice, and it doesn't give me any kind of digestive upset like many of the others have that I've tried in the past. Plus, it's ingredients are amazing!

All that being said, who doesn't like to add a little something extra to their smoothies to give themselves a boost?

Well now it's even easier to do this thanks to the new Shakeology Boosts.

Here's a fun video about them:


There are three boost formulas:

Focused Energy 

 This unique formula is designed to deliver a wholesome boost of energy. The energy comes from 100 mg of natural caffeine from guarana and green tea. This Boost also supports mental clarity, alertness, and focus.

What’s in Focused Energy Boost and what its ingredients can do for you:*

  • Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Guarana, Rhodiola, and Asian Ginseng – Help improve alertness and attention.
  • American Ginseng, Asian Ginseng, Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Guarana – Help support mental clarity, focus, and clear thinking.
  • Proprietary Mushroom Blend (Cordyceps, Reishi, King Trumpet, Lion’s Mane), Ginseng, and Rhodiola – Adaptogens help support the body in times of stress.
As an herbalist I can tell you without even trying it, that this formula will put some fire in your booty for sure! These are some serious adaptogenic herbs they've got mixed together, plus the amazing immune supporting properties of the mushrooms, and your body will be raring and ready to go if you take this.

Why do I need this Boost in addition to Shakeology?

While Shakeology is an incredible daily dose of dense nutrition, there are those days when you simply need a little something extra. So when you’re challenged for energy, or are under the gun and need to be as productive as possible, supercharge yourself with Focused Energy Boost. You can also use this to reduce or replace your daily coffee habit.

Power Greens

Contains veggies like cucumber, kale, and spinach to deliver a full serving of vegetables in each scoop. Plus, this potent Boost supports the body's natural acid/alkaline balance.

Why do I need this Boost in addition to Shakeology?

Even though Shakeology is packed with superfoods, the reality is, you can never get enough greens. Maybe you’re a veggie hater. Maybe you’re on-the-go and the menu options are veggie-challenged. Or maybe you’re a firm believer that more is better. Regardless, the bottom line is, when it comes to greens, the more you eat, the happier your body will be.

What’s in Power Greens Boost and what its ingredients can do for you:*
  • Proprietary Phytonutrient Blend (Spinach, Chlorella, Kale, Spirulina) – Contains chlorophyll, iron, protein, and naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. Provides antioxidants, which when part of a healthy diet may help maintain good health.
  • Cucumber – Contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and calcium.
  • Celery – Contains calcium, vitamin A, vitamins B1 & B2, magnesium, phosphorous, and iron.

Digestive Health 

With a unique blend of 7 grams of both soluble AND insoluble fiber packed into every single scoop, this formula stands apart from typical fiber supplements that contain only soluble fiber. This powerful Boost helps support regularity and digestive health.

Why do I need this Boost in addition to Shakeology?

Depending on your changing lifestyle and specific dietary needs (whether you have digestive issues or if you temporarily clogged your system with junk food), there are those times when your body calls for a little more help in the digestion department. So when you’re experiencing irregularity, bloating, or discomfort, this boost will help with those uncomfortable symptoms while getting you back to feeling like yourself as soon as possible.
Additionally, good fibers feed the good bacteria in your gut, making you even healthier later on.

What’s in Digestive Health Boost and what its ingredients can do for you:*
  • Chicory Root and Pea Fiber – Help maintain digestive system health and regularity.
  • Insoluble fiber from Chia and Flax Seeds – Good source of insoluble fiber, plus they contribute alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid. ALA helps support cardiovascular health.
  • Soluble fiber from Psyllium Husk – As part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, it may reduce the risk of heart disease.


I've been adding all three to my smoothies almost every morning so far and I LOVE them! I love how extra thick it gets and I love knowing that I'm getting even more greens on a daily basis. I don't always add the Focused energy, but I do think it's an amazing product, mostly because it includes all of those amazing medicinal mushrooms in it.

I also used the Power Greens to make some Coconut Milk Green Tea Protein Ice-cream...it's amazing and you should probably go try it out.

Get ready to #BoostUp

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FIXate - Recipes for the 21 Day Fix

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Autumn Calabrese, creator of the 21 Day Fix fitness and nutrition program has done it again with FIXATE, a cookbook featuring 101 of her favorite healthy recipes. Each recipe works along with the 21 Day Fix color-coded containers making this program even easier to follow. The cookbook was just released and I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Order the FIXATE cookbook HERE ($19.95)
Order the FIXATE Cookbook and 21 Day Fix Portion Control Containers HERE ($34.95)

You don’t need to be on the 21 Day Fix workout program to use these recipes. You can integrate them into any routine to control your portion sizes. Get the MOST out of any workout time by combining good nutrition, portion control and education for long term results. If you want to see our experience with the 21 Day Fix program, check out these posts.


The cookbook even includes healthy meals for Paleo, vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free diets, plus tips for easy preparation, storage and shopping. You will learn how to make healthy, delicious and easy meals that work with a busy lifestyle. Take the guesswork out of cooking and learn how to cook meals from the program creator herself.

FIXATE recipes cover all meals: easy breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, sides, salads and soups. All the meals were created with busy moms (and dads) in mind. She creates lunches from leftovers to cut down on cooking time and give you more family and workout time. The recipe book even includes Shakeology recipes, cocktail and dessert recipes.

For a SNEAK PEAK at some of the recipes in the cookbook (quinoa and black bean salad, pineapple chicken skewers and zucchini chips), plus all the great information included in each recipe go here.

Fixate has just been released for purchase through Team Beachbody TODAY. Buy your copy now before it hits stores on August 6th.

***To order the 21 Day Fix Fitness and Shakeology Program at a discount (save $70) during July, 2015, Click here***

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How to Stay Fit and Healthy: What’s Your Mission?

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People often get overwhelmed when thinking about “How to Stay Fit and Healthy”. Staying Fit and Healthy really doesn’t have to be a big process. It is the little things that you can choose to do each day that add up to being fit and healthy. 
There are many elements to a healthy lifestyle and choosing to make several small health-conscious changes can make all the difference. Use these tips as a guide to help you start your journey to getting on or staying on the path of being Fit and Healthy.
  1. Kick Your Bad Habits!
Start with just a few and work your way up. You know what bad habits are, and you know that you are choosing to do them. Put your health first! Make a list of all things in your life that you know to be unhealthy (i.e. smoking, drugs, drinking, high fat foods, high sugar foods, and more). Categorize the worse ones in a category of “Quit” and the others in the category of “Can have in moderation”. If you want to Stay Fit and Healthy you need to create your lists. Things on the moderation list are doable, as long as the majority (85-90%) of your choices are mindful and healthful. If you need help with making mindful healthy choices, get in touch with me so that can I help you stay on track and stay motivated with the changes you are making.
  1. Sleep
Sleep tremendously affects physical, emotional, and mental health. Many of us do not get enough. You really need a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep adversely affects metabolism, mood, concentration, memory, motor skills, stress hormones, the immune system and cardiovascular system and health. Sleep allows the body to heal, repair and rejuvenate itself in a way it simply cannot when a person is awake.
  1. Exercise
Movement and exercise is an important part of being and staying fit and healthy. We are meant to move and be active. Cardiovascular exercise helps to strengthen the heart and lungs. Strength/Resistance training helps to strengthen the muscles. Balance and Flexibility and Stretching helps aid in body mobility, recovery, and reduces the risk of injury. Exercise also improves circulation, body awareness, and can help in combating depression, as well as other diseases. Beachbody offers many amazing exercise programs that incorporate strength, cardiovascular, and stretching. These programs are set up to progress your fitness in a safe manner, and you can do them from the comfort of your home.
  1. Eat Healthfully
Making fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains the main part of your overall diet can really help you Stay Fit and Healthy. You may also include lean sources of protein such as poultry, fish, tempeh, and beans. Eating balanced and portioned meals is what helps you balance a Fit and Healthy life. 
It is also good to stop eating before you feel very full. Give yourself a chance to digest your food and take in the nutrients. A healthy breakfast is needed to start your day off right. It sets you up and gives you the energy and fuel for optimal mental and physical performance. Eating breakfast will help you maintain blood sugar levels, healthy weight and you will be less likely to overindulge later in the day. When thinking about snacks, you want to eat whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts or a total nutrition shake like Shakeology. Avoid highly processed foods that contain artificial sweeteners or colors, hidden sugars or excessive fat.
  1. Drink Water
The majority of our bodies are made of water. Most fresh fruits and vegetables contain water that will help to keep our bodies hydrated, but fresh, clean, plain water is still the best and healthiest beverage for maintaining a healthy hydrated body. It is the most natural cleanser for our organs and digestive system. Being hydrated is crucial for proper brain function, proper physical function, as well as for helping to flush toxins out through the skin (perspiration) and urine.
  1. Reduce Stress
Stress can cause a myriad of problems, from heart trouble to digestive problems. Many people do not know how to manage their stress. The best forms of managing stress is regular exercisehealthy nutrition, meditation, doing things you enjoy, appropriate boundaries, spirituality, and being in nature. All of these things can help alleviate the harmful effects of stress on the body. It is also important to take breaks (vacations, mini-vacations, days off), and surround yourself with people who support you.
  1. Express Yourself
It is not healthy to keep emotions bottled up inside. This can lead to mental and emotional stress, as well as physical symptoms. Unexpressed feelings and emotions have been known to be a cause to depression, sleep problems, eating disorders, and even physical pain. Learn to talk about your feelings and emotions, or express them through some sort of art. Another good tool is writing down thoughts and feelings. This is a good way to express things you may find hard to say.
  1. Consistency and Moderation
In order to maintain a Fit and Healthy lifestyle, it is important to have consistency. Consistency will lead to the big picture results you want to obtain. Again, remember to make changes one at a time. Don’t make too many changes at once or you will risk relapsing into old habits. Making these choices and having them be a part of your daily life will help you to reach your health goals.
Now you know How to Stay Healthy and Fit. Implement these few suggestions and you will be on the road to success!
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7 Healthy (and easy!) Dinner Ideas

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Dinner doesn't have to be complicated, it can be as easy as you want it to be while also being healthy.

Here are 7 easy dinner ideas that you can throw together pretty quickly. Try out a few of them, find which one's you like best, then add it to your regular repertoire of dinner meals so you don't have to stress as much about what to serve each night!

Healthy Dinner Ideas: Easy Peasy!

Check out this seven day healthy dinner idea meal plan:

Monday: Quinoa Salad with Salmon:
  •        8-ounce Salmon fillet (skin-on)
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 cup uncooked Quinoa
  • 1 cup halved grape tomatoes
  • 1 cubed cucumber
  • 1/2 cup red onion (optional)
  • 1/2 cup chopped basil
  • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Cook Quinoa according to box directions. Season salmon, heat a tablespoon of oil over high heat. Cook the salmon skin side down for 2 minutes. Lower heat to medium and cook for 3-4 more minutes until skin is golden. Flip salmon and cook 2 more minutes. Remove salmon from heat, flake apart, and add all ingredients including cooked quinoa to a bowl. Gently stir all ingredients together.

Tuesday: Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Lean Turkey Meat Sauce
  • 1 lb. lean turkey
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 jar prepared spaghetti sauce
  • 1 lb. whole wheat spaghetti noodles
Saute’ onion for five minutes in olive oil, add ingredients through 5, and boil noodles in salted water per box directions. Serve one cup of noodles with one cup of sauce.

Wednesday: Turkey Taco Salad
  • 1 lb. lean ground turkey
  • 1 package of Lawry’s Taco Seasoning
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 can vegetarian fat-free refried beans or black beans
  • 1 cup low-fat shredded mexican cheese blend
  • 1 cup prepared salsa or pico de gallo
  • 1/4 cup low-fat sour cream
  • 1 bag shredded lettuce (lettuce of your choice)
Sauté turkey in olive oil with seasonings until brown. Heat beans. Assemble with lettuce as the base, top with taco meat, beans, cheese, salsa, and sour cream. Enjoy!

Thursday: Grilled Pork Loin Medallions with Garlic Lemon-Pepper Asparagus
  • 1 pound boneless pork loin cut into 1/4 inch medallions
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 bunch of asparagus
  • 1 tbsp. lemon-pepper seasoning
Cut and season pork. Heat a grill pan with 1 tbsp. olive oil. Add pork to grill pan and grill for 3 minutes on the first side, and 2 minutes on the other side. Add asparagus to a large saute pan with 1 cup of water for 5 minutes. Drain water, add remaining olive oil, and season with minced garlic and lemon-pepper seasonings. Cook about 2 more minutes or until desired level of doneness.

Friday: Grilled Chicken with broccoli and corn
  • 1 cup Lawry’s Herb & Garlic 30 minute marinade
  • 2 boneless skinless chicken breast
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 ears of corn
  • 2 cups of broccoli
Marinate chicken for 30 minutes. Shuck corn and lightly coat with olive oil then wrap corn in foil. Add marinated chicken to a hot grill along with foil wrapped corn. Grill chicken until a meat thermometer reads 160 degrees. Corn needs about 15 minutes. Steam broccoli for five minutes while allowing the chicken breasts to rest.

Saturday: Summer Spaghetti with Light Caprice Salad
  • 1 lb. angel hair or spaghetti (thin spaghetti) noodles
  • sliced summer squash
  • sliced zucchini
  • 2 carrots (shaved or peeled into thin strips)
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 container cherry or grape tomatoes halved
  • 1 bunch of basil
  • 2 large beefsteak tomatoes
  • 1/3 cup low-fat mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste
Boil salted water. Saute ingredients 2-5 in a tbsp. of olive oil for 6 minutes. Add cherry tomatoes and half of the amount of basil for 2 minutes. Add noodles to water, boil no more than 6 minutes. Drain noodles and add to saute pan. Add tbsp. olive oil. Toss to combine.
Cut remaining basil into strips. Slice beefsteak tomatoes, sprinkle with mozzarella cheese and basil strips, drizzle with remaining oil, 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste.
Sunday: Sirloin Steak Kabobs with Grilled Polenta
  • 1 lb. boneless sirloin steak cut into cubes
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 squash
  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 18 ounce tube prepared polenta
Cut vegetables (other than tomatoes) and meat into even 1 inch pieces to ensure they cook at the same rate. Prepare kebabs alternating with meat and vegetables. Drizzle with 1/8 cup of olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Cut polenta into 1/4 inch medallions, drizzle with oil, and season with salt and pepper. Cook polenta and kebabs on a hot grill. Start polenta first, after about 10 minutes add kebabs. Grill about 5 minutes per side.
Having a Beachbody isn’t out of reach this summer! Try these Healthy Dinner Ideas and you will be energized and be able to conquer any fitness routine and make your goals a reality.
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I recieve a small commision for the purchase of items from links in this blog, though the cost will remain the same to you no matter where you buy them from. If you do choose to buy the products, I sure do appreciate it if you buy them from me! You can be sure you're doing that by coming back to my page and using my links to take you to the website for purchasing. I have personally used each of these products and only recommend those that I believe in and find to be in alignment with my values and goals. Thank you for supporting me by purchasing through my links! If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with me